..sharing one.
Demand a half day for Friday Worship....and Treat yourself.
I don't like the work spring cleaning...but it does make you feel better at the end.
Every single item we own needs space or maintenance.....get rid of the work...
Says She with a Magpie for a husband.
Bearing in mind the limited storage space in a cabin...when we flooded I took over 90 bottles of wine or spirits out of the the garage..
90 BOTTLES that hubby had collected and stored about the place.....and guess what...hubby doesn't drink in the house.
90 bottles....just incase the kids come and They fancy a drink in here......

..damn madness...
They didn't get back in the cabin......

..he can collect what he wants...if he keeps it in his garage...and I don't need to find space..or dust them....