Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Thank you arty!
Now feck off will ya :crying:
Kidding. Great times, we still got some more years to make memories.
And always right from day one you’ve be just spot on with the knowledge, and open to share.
If you ever come this way gimme a shout cause I doubt I’ll visit UK, I did see you mention moving to Spain maybe.. good weather, I can visit that lmao. Maybe throw some tomatoes. Don’t they have like a yearly tomato war or something? Maybe wrong place..
A pleasure @mohawk warrior
As mossy always says, rep is earned :yeah:
Everyday we are making new memories to be cherished!
If I don't know something i will go and research it, sharing is caring!
I'm alway happy to help people but I am also happy to help people to help them selves!
If I make it out your way I will be sure to give you a holler!
There are a few people I'd love to meet up with.
I meet up with a few other brother in the UK and rent out a cottage, good times!
Ah you mention Spain.
Most people think of a hot dry country, which a lot of it is!

The Tabernas desert Spain

Where as I am about the bit of Spain most people have never heard of "Espanoia Verde" AKA "Green Spain"......... Say what now???

Green Spain


The "Oceanic Climate" AKA "Maritime Climate" is the same climate as the UK.
Where I live in SW England the temp are virtually the same as in green Spain!
Just how i like it, cool Summers, mild winters
To me I would most like to live in Asturias. See the green Spain map.

Watch this video, I think it will surprise you!
Watch out for the snowy bit, yes northern Spain get snow in the mountains.
No hot dry deserty areas up north!
I call it the Spanish Scotland, they even play bag pipes!
Well that got out of hand real fast...
Started going higher on me.hit it with a spray gonna see how that works... depending on this it might just be amputation..
after the rain stopped I pulled out the ol leafblower attachment and blasted plants for a good 20 mins... checked out areas from first spray, nothing much but a couple little spots, so I blasted them ..
gotta get something on the photos fast before they start going... nothing on them though, but you never know.

Nice picture templates

Sexy plants too.

Godamit the U-bend is blocked again, now I'll have to give it a reach around, to get it fixed!:crying:

To unblock "Insert plunger in "a hole"!

I don't see any "if's" but I'm still sicking to, "No if's, No butts"!

If I turn the tap on, does that also turn the sink on?

Be thankful for the friends you have, that sink has "no body"!

Butt, I say unto you, that you shall not resist evil, butt if some one slaps your right cheek, then turn the other cheek also.
Yup check :greencheck:, all done both cheeks are fully exposed!

I didn't expect to enter the bathroom and be exposed to a full moon!

When I said, "I wanted a night on the tiles"

Most men don't wash their hands after going to the loo, in this case "you would definitely feel an arse hole if you did!

Don't you hate it when you go into a bathroom and someone has peed on the porcelain, well that goes double in this case!

Nothing to do with the picture but if I had a 36 inch cock...........would that make it a "Junk yard"?

I hope that is enough funnies!
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