Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Yeah there seems to be quite checkered history with them!
Although this is a piss take of their TV series, in this case it is probably the truest representation of them as people LMAO!

More info here , just to much to copy paste -

To me the funniest thing was they called their settlement on Chichagof Island was "Brown Town".
"Brown Town" is an euphemism for Butt Sex Eg - "Today's my Birthday, so the wife is letting me go to Brown Town"! :haha:

Billy Brown died earlier this year around Feb Time!

Collectively the Brown family is now worth approximately $60 Million!

it don't matter how much money you make, if your a douchebag, it'll always come through.
Ya ever get one of those days ya just can't get hydrated? No idea why today it came up.
It's not like I'm standing 6 and 6 in a 120*F++ Naval steam plant engineroom!

Until you've been in one, you really don't know what 'hot' is.
My Uncle worked the huge walk-in kilns making plates. He'd brag about the temps in the kilns when he moved the carts of plates. I'd ask him, "How many seconds were you in there Unc?" :biggrin::eyebrows::rofl:
Yeah, not like he was changing out a pump motor and trying to stay within the cards time limits.

Just no:nono: no:nono: no:nono: no:nono: no:nono: no:nono:
Jeez, just read Minneapolis is gonna try to change policing style again....hard to be for it and against it at the same time.....I think that qualified immunity thing is the problem, if there is no fear of being prosecucted then you don't care if you screw up.
Modern day Tuva Throat Singing, using both traditional and modern day instruments.
This is a very rock style for which the HU are known, I stick another one of their tunes in a bit!

Not in a modern style but amazing non the less

My cousin was over for a Sat nite gtg. We were ripped and watching 70's PBS! There was a 'foreign film' on the black n's ok, so wuz da film. The movie had a ancient looking fugger throat sing and both of use were trippin'! Next weekend I was over his place. The 'only' had one TV in the living room. At least it was color...........didn't matter again. Everyone was already in bed and we were ripped again. :biggrin:
Different movie, but here's another throat singer. I had been practicing throat singing some that past week and I taped some. I made a cassette of some and slipped it into my Uncle's stereo system. I went to the kitchen to get drinks and munchies and on the way in, I hit play on the player. It was set to a little too loud. :biggrin::rofl:
Now it wasn't blasing, but was loud. Cuz is truppin balls! LOL! I'm crying from laughin.......................and then Unc steps in the living room in his boxer shorts and wife beater. "What the hell is going on a what the hell is that crap?", as the tape was still going. "You fuggers get to bed..........Unc was a bit more descriptive! :rofl:
Cuz kept asking how I do it, but I can't describe how. I had played with voices since a little kid and was quite good. As an example, I made a tape duplicating National Lampoon's spoof of Mr Rodgers "Egg a Muffin" skit.
I screw with people playing GTA Online with using different voices. I have two consoles and sometimes I'll be in a party with other friends in the lobby. I'll operate another console with my laptop and have that one game chat of the lobby. I'll use that character to voice troll players and everyone in the party chat can hear the response. It can be simply hilarious!

    Dr Fluff

    points: 10
    Awesome man!! I love it when other people give throat singing ago! It can get pretty addictive!
Well my 1 day review of my new portable ac unit is mixed, it claims to be a dehumidifier but no matter the mode ac,auto,dry my rooms RH is 60-70% while outdoors it is 47%, has to be the house a bit to maybe, the other rooms are 55-60%.

AC on the unit works great, froze us into a cuddle all night set at 69F :biggrin:
It is a nice unit i guess, i just wish it dehumidified like claimed, dry mode just sets the ac temp at 67F and freezes the room while rh is 60-70% :cuss:
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