Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Ya ever get one of those days ya just can't get hydrated? No idea why today it came up.
It's not like I'm standing 6 and 6 in a 120*F++ Naval steam plant engineroom!

Until you've been in one, you really don't know what 'hot' is.
My Uncle worked the huge walk-in kilns making plates. He'd brag about the temps in the kilns when he moved the carts of plates. I'd ask him, "How many seconds were you in there Unc?" :biggrin::eyebrows::rofl:
I worked in a kitchen that was 130°F+ with two big swamp coolers taking the humidity way high. We never checked what the RH was. It was hotter over the stoves and in front of the ovens. The thermometer was on the kitchen wall. I could easily drink a gallon of water in a 5 hour shift. So I know hot.
I worked in a kitchen that was 130°F+ with two big swamp coolers taking the humidity way high. We never checked what the RH was. It was hotter over the stoves and in front of the ovens. The thermometer was on the kitchen wall. I could easily drink a gallon of water in a 5 hour shift. So I know hot.
Amen to that! The hottest I've worked in a kitchen, in summer time was 45C just a mere 113 of your Fahrenheits
I worked the Salamander (Grill/Broiler) which was shoulder to head height, so I know that heat pumping in your face feeling!
Soooo in love with my cloner
Amen to that! The hottest I've worked in a kitchen, in summer time was 45C just a mere 113 of your Fahrenheits
I worked the Salamander (Grill/Broiler) which was shoulder to head height, so I know that heat pumping in your face feeling!
them freaking salamanders are hot ( not just a grill/broiler...those are next level grill/broilers)......used to do the fire systems in restuarants and deep fryers and those were some of the biggest concerns
OK @Jraven Wait Hold Up!!!!
Why has no one ever told me that barnacles can grow to be the size of a cricket ball and taste like crab???



British Acorn Barnacles, the Limpit is not going to be any bigger than 1 inch (they do get bigger just not this particular one).
Which goes to show how small our barnacles are.
I know goose barnacles grow bigger but I have never seen in the UK, Goose barnacles are considered a delicacy in Spain and are very dangerous to gather. Every year there are death collecting them but foer some the risk is worth the handsome pay day they get when they sell them.
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I've just had chilli con carne........I can Hold the Helm while you least until the beans start working........:gassy:

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damn Mossy, you got a young system...if your old it's the next day that's a killer.
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