Good Evening
@mohawk warrior
Heh heh, well din't you just find a chink in my armor.

Sure I have tootled around & have had a squint at the subject.
I have a basic understanding of the mechanics of it but as for who make the best this and that, that's something I'd have to pass on!
I haven't ever considered it as something I would do, in my present situation/location.
So I haven't paid it much heed.
If I did consider it an option, then I would be all over it like a rash!
Not many members if any (none that I have seen) have had a CO2 set up.
I could be totally wrong, I just haven't seen a journal using it.
If you or you know of a journal using CO2 please link me to it!
The one word crossword
I might know of somewhere, that might have the answer, to you CO2 question..
Can you guess where?
Maybe not!
And then again, maybe you can?
Go on have a try!
Cryptic clue - 1 Down, 5 letters - sometimes reading down, make more sense than reading across
View attachment 1350919Just remember I was never here, I never said anything and you aint see me...right?
Thanks for the kind words much appreciated