Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Here's some baby JEMs. Hoping they are quick

JEM.....where you get JEM @Jraven .....?

Rolling mist on the mountains is Lush........... :headbang:

Yada, yada, yada. I just want to make it so non-admin, regular type members feel noticed!

I don't get me Plus Rep coz I'm gives a stuff about titles here...:shrug:..I get it coz I'm Nice....(usually..)....helpful....and supportive..:shrug:

The past 3 surgeries I have had they used super glue to seal me up. They told me that they would have had to use staples in the past for one of them. Stitches for the other two. Pretty awesome stuff. I use it now on my fingers when they crack in the winter. Keeps them from splitting more and let's them heal.

Yup @Capn Bligh ... :headbang:'s great stuff....
just like @Mossy I completely lost a taste for alcohol for a solid 2 months. Not a bad side effect health wise.

Ah...I'm Glad I'm not is the weirdest thing...but gawd I Wish I could bottle it for people who Do struggle with alcohol.

I'm a habitual drinker..Tuesday..Friday..Saturday...10 pm...fave TV progs....voddy/coke poured....:cheersmate:

I have 3 drinks....throw me clothes off with gay abandon...and find somewhere to curl up and sleep.....

(that is why I drink at home now...caused havoc in the pub...:crying:...)

I went from that 10 year plus habit ...and Enjoying a switch had been flipped....:shrug: ...I wasn't Trying to give up gave up ME.

I had absolutely no desire...and I'd say an actual aversion to it...

I did out of habit one night pour myself one out when me fave prog came on...and I sat looking at it for a couple of hours before I stuck it back in the fridge...and tipped it a couple of days in.
I couldn't even push myself to taste it.

If we could isolate that one trait out of the would be Worth Millions.....:cheers:
Veggie garden is trying to get all overgrown on me! :yoinks: Sorry for the giant update but got no canna plants to update at the moment! :( :shrug:

Cucumbers going full on beast mode!
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Big ass cucumber hiding in there but also they have now started wrapping up the tomatillo plant next door for stability!:cooldance: View attachment 1343433View attachment 1343434View attachment 1343435View attachment 1343436View attachment 1343437View attachment 1343438View attachment 1343439View attachment 1343440
Fruits of this weeks harvest! Def spitting cukes out on the regular!:yay: View attachment 1343442

All Greens are Good @Fermented_Fruitz :pass: ....looking Lush......

Clouds opened up this afternoon and let the greenhouse warm up some :cool1: :thumbsup: check out the big $$ anchored down the bay
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Rich Boys Toys @Jraven ..... :headbang: ...I Must get some shots next time I'm in Santa Pola marina.....there are some mega boats there too....hubby stands drooling.....
For sailing, I'd stick to tropical waters! LOL!



After I held muster, they'd all come up to me and ask if they could go get Dramamine patches at sick call.

Hubby: Are you alright.....?
Me: mmmmmmmmmmm...
Hubby: are you sure you re okay...?
Me: mmmm....
Hubby: You are not feeling sea sick are you...?
Me: mmm....
Hubby: are just on the pontoon.........?.........:doh:......

:crying::crying::crying:I get terrible motion sickness......:pass:
Meanwhile in Berkeley.. worlds last M Class … she’s a beautiful hunk of steel and wood … hopefully we won’t sink this one :biggrin:

You are such a Rock Star......:crying:....MeThinks there is no coincidence you got to Cali and they have record breaking High temps.....:devil:
I've Heard the devil makes his own Heat.....:yeah:


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