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Gave the girls 350-375 ppm day 12 along with a foliar feed. Tonight day 14 I’m going to feed them 400-450 ppm. Autoseed girls are doing fine GF is growing fast and think I’m behind feeding her. MR is looking better starting to get out of her funk





Laughing Hyena Biker MOB Day 14 Girls are still little slow going but they look great healthy hoping they start to explode now that I'm giving them more light was running little behind schedule on light and feed from being gone



And it looks like he lit the filter end of the cig:doh::nono::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Ya i have done that myself a few times! I thought I recognized that look on his face! The telltale sign u just took a giant rip of fiberglass or whatever shit the filter is made out of! :shrug::haha::crying:
Ya i have done that myself a few times! I thought I recognized that look on his face! The telltale sign u just took a giant rip of fiberglass or whatever shit the filter is made out of! :shrug::haha::crying:

I was just going off the line on the cig was on the wrong end it's been a minute but I remember that :nono::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I was just going off the line on the cig was on the wrong end it's been a minute but I remember that :nono::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Maybe they are 100’s with them long ass granny filters and he just smoked it down to the very end! :shrug::rofl:

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