What's up y'all! Happy Friday eve! Less than 24 hours to a bit of freedom.

Thanks for the reps and replies everyone. I really do appreciate that you guys, gals, and others, take the time to read and reply to my questions.

@Lil Dab - On it with the Raw P and K. Should be here tomorrow if not Saturday afternoon. Thanks again.

@Jpkindbud - I was thinking about snipping the inner fans. Your comment definitely makes that decision easier. Thank you.

@Hotfire - Thanks for the reps!

@420Forever - Thanks for the reps!

If I've missed someone, thanks. I've read and absorbed. Now to go tune out and watch some trash TV! Whoo whoo!
Oh shit I almost forgot, my work blocked netflix and youtube this week. Bruh.

I already ordered the fix. Got the same PC unit and we're going to hang it next to the "official" unit and get an HDMI switch. Bam! Back in business. I put a VPN on the work comp but IT shut that shit down quick. hahahah ah fuckers.

This lil'bastard:
