Indoor Killernecrox's Third Grow - Samsara Supersonic Crystal Storm & Fast Bud #2

Hey Soylent i know that you dislike my soil and advice me to change it but as i said, on my first grow it was successful with this soil and aunt mossy said it was one of the best compo so i don't see what is the problem there. I am relating the issues to my PH being off because the run off was coming out too high (7+). You guys mentioned that it was over watering but i assure you it's not because i really let it go for a really long time before i water and it is extremely light and the top soil is bone dry. I even thought that it was due to under watering but i don't think under watering causes a stunted plant growth, yellowing of the leaves & red petioles right ? I highly think that it is because of my ph being off so they are not getting the nutrients they need.
Mate why are You complicating things so much. More ppl said it was soil problem in Your 2nd grow you didnt listen, now You are still stubborn and cant hear what ppl advices to You, get things to the basics, forget about nutes, over underwatering. Start with basic, light mix, no nutes, you can even forget about PH till 2 week ( good mix have right PH to balance), nothing can happen, Your girls have like 15-18 day and You doing so much things at once. No healthy roots, no healthy plant. That was my 2 cents.
Alright guys. So cull this grow, get new seedling soil and start a new grow ?
Sorry for being stubborn. I will try to find a seedling soil. Basically what is wrong with my current compost ? Too hot ? Not enough aeration ?
Can you guys please give me a list of good seedling soils that can be used through out my whole grow without transplanting ?
I don't think anybody necessarily is saying your soil completely sucks, its just not prepared correctly. IMO, I think if you just mix in some perlite and/or vermiculite (seedling soil) you'll be set. Both are cheap and can be found almost at any Wal-mart or Hardware store that has a garden section. I believe you are the first person I've ever seen growing w/o using perlite in some capacity.

I would also follow Ripster's advice for PH testing the soil before the grow.

:karma Cloud:
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I don't know if you have a Walmart, but I saw a post on here somewhere recommending Pot of Gold as good cheap soil for our favorite plant. I would add perlite and vermiculite to the mix with almost any soil I decided to use to both loosen and aerate. Most seedling soil will just be packaged as Seedling Soil but most come with starter nutes already in it. Vermiculite is basically the same thing I think but w/o the nutes. I don't know if I personally would use just/only "seedling soil" for the entire grow, but others may have had success with using only it, idk.

edit: it may have also been Sunshine #4 soil at Walmart that they recommended. Whichever of those two Walmart carries
Sorry for being stubborn. I will try to find a seedling soil. Basically what is wrong with my current compost ? Too hot ? Not enough aeration ?

I think its too compacted and the roots are having a tough time getting O2 and spreading out. I also think it might holding water EXTREMELY well (TOO well).

I know you had a successful grow with it already, but as I mentioned earlier, that strain may have just been better suited for that environment and/or a hardier strain than the strains you are growing now.

Wish you all the best. We are all here pulling for you not against you. :tiphat:
I agree, i think my roots are having a hard time growing. I should probably get a new soil and then start a new grow ? I also have to get distilled water to calibrate my ph meter too because i think it might be a little off.

The thing is i am really low on cash so i'm feeling really stressed out wasting so much on seeds and all. Well on the positive side i still have extra seeds though.

Really sad thing is i don't even have walmart here and most hardware stores don't even have a gardening section. It's extremely hard for me to even find any of the soils you guys mention/use or else i would definitely have bought it already.

Let's just say if i try to find a seedling soil soon enough, should i transplant or start a new grow ?

ps : and please give a list of good light soils for example canna, plagron ?