Indoor Killernecrox's Third Grow - Samsara Supersonic Crystal Storm & Fast Bud #2

i feel u bro.. i'm also in Asia.. and is very hard to get good soil, nutes,.. etc..
i still remember getting all my stuff from australia.. bringing a 25pound's soil bag on a plane.. its hilarious.. :wormy: :grin:
Alright so i called the store and sadly, they don't have blackpeat moss or white peat moss or any of the aboved that we were talking about so i asked for a soil that has a really fine structure and they recommended Tref Bio 4 by Jiffy which i think is quite good. The PH of the soil is 5.8. The website is here but i think the product information is in dutch which i don't understand. Some help here ?

Click the 3rd picture for the product information.

I think i might get this, what do you guys think ?
Summarised - I think that Tref Bio 4 by Jiffy is organic, PH 5.8, EC at 1 and the structure is 'Fine'. I think i'm gonna get this, what do you guys think ? Please give me your opinion because they only have 70 litre bags which cost like $35 so i have to make sure i get the right one.
Another question is. Can i use distilled water to calibrate my PH meter ?
Most meters have their own specific calibration fluid killernecrox but they are all pretty much the same. 7.01 and 4.01. It is best of you can do a 2 point calibration, if your meter will do it, which will be using both solutions. A one point calibration will only use 7.01. I would recommend you get the fluids for your pen. Normally you can buy the small one use packets that you dip the pen in to for less than a dollar. I have never seen anyone calibrate their pen with distilled water but maybe if you could guarantee it was 7.01 it would work? Honestly, you got me there. I may try it the next time I am going to calibrate mine and do a one point and see what happens. The nice thing about those fluids is you know exactly what they are suppose to be so you can test your pen every few days just to make sure it is in cal without having to actually calibrate it.

Hope that helps!
Evian water shows that the ph is at 7.2 so i was thinking of using that to calibrate my ph meter and it is way easier to get and cheaper too. Sad thing is i am pretty sure i have NO hydro store in my country at all which is so ..... that is why i was thinking of using distilled water to calibrate to atleast make sure my ph meter is not whacky and off ph.

Anyway tell me if the soil i'm buying is good for autoflower because i'm going to head out and buy it soon !
I don't know enough about that soil to answer your question bro. Sorry.

I will tell you though, tomorrow I will pick up some Evian on the way home and do a single point calibration with my pen and see how my 7.01 and 4.01 test. After that I will reply back here and let you know if it was anywhere close.
Awesome! I have to calibrate my ph meter before i preflush my new soil and making sure it is not screwed up x.x

Guess i'm going with that soil but i'm not sure if it's soiless or soil and i'm afraid what if it's coco lol.
Alright got my soil and culled both of the plants. The roots were tiny as shit, probably couldn't get root growth due to heavy soil. I'm hoping the current one i have is light because i have no idea how to see if it's light or heavy but the weight of the pot feels lighter with the new soil so i guess it's 'light' and also it looks really different. Just germinated 2 new seeds. Should i preflush my soil before planting or can i just wet the middle part and plant the seed and then water every two days with small amount ?
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Just caught up on your thread bro. Sorry you cut your plants down. I wish I'd had been here yesterday for ya. You'd still have those 2 plants:face:

All you needed to do was flush. They would have snapped out of it...

I read where you hand pack your last pots. Don't do that... Keep it a bit loose.

No need to pre-flush. But you did do a slurry test on the new soil right? Just water the area where the roots are at. That's good enough for now.

On your germination. I'd just drop your seeds in a glass of water, let them sit for 24 hrs. and plant them straight into there home pots. Be sure and put the pointed end of the seed down. The paper towel method is an old one and is sorta tough for a new grower to get it right. If you mess with the tap root at all, she'll stunt.