Outdoor Jraven's Alaska Summer 2019

Wonder if you have any volunteers come up next year from dropped seeds? That would be cool as shit! Let mother nature do her thing and work genetics naturally
@puffy was talking about a strain that would do that in the high north...don't think it was this one but I imagine I'll be trying it out:smoking:
Kind of cool out there for canna but they should get some sun today. 39F OD, 41F in the greenhouse this morning
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105 here today,Was thinking about some fall veggies ,might have to wait a week or two.Getting my beds prepped and recharged.Looking forward to growing something again.To hot for inside stuff just yet.Peace please

Dang! I dont feel so bad
Haha, climate is a funny thing isn't it. Here when it hits 70 it's all over...gotta seek shelter:haha: But that's the sweet spot where canna likes to be. It's really pretty rare most summers. This one has been pretty good but it seems to be winding down now:crying: