They're kind of like vertical longlines hehe. Leaders similar to sport troll rigs are snapped on to stainless steel wires as you let them out. 30-60 pound cannonballs on the wires. 4 lines total. I use @9 or 10 leaders per line.
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Fell asleep.
That is some rig. Do you land every hit? Or do you let them fill up and power reel them in. I've had down riggers with similar balls. Usually ran them at 30- 40 feet under schools of Dolphin for the Wahoo that's usually there. Single top baits with 2 on the outriggers and 2 flat lines from holders in the stern. A lot of artificial or Ballyhoo or bigger with skirts. Would throw out a teaser when first approaching a school or floating object for the cow and bull or when after bill fish. Probably trolled a bit faster than you to keep the top baits dancing. Even skip them for Marlin. We took a lot of King Mackerel with down planers.
I didn't use any electric reels but wished a couple of times with Great White hookups that I had.. Had one on looked like a VW coming up behind us on an off shore hump. Had to cut him loose as we entered the crazy boil on the down current side. I love it. Any seas over 3-5 foot was a no go. I did it for fun. An accident beached me, legs won't take the beating anymore. I hate having to write in past tense.