I'd risk these old legs to hook you up to a nice Sail or even a Marlin. I'm not done with the sport yet, just slowed down a bit. The Marlin is a hunt. , the Sail easy at the right time of year. If you want some for the table, cool beans, bring a big cooler and fill it. I liked to remove the barbs and after a few nice jumps and some tail walking, give them some slack to spit the hook, then catch another for the same show. Drifting with a kite rig, live bait, lots of smoke and time. The ladies sunning on the bow
Big Tuna, gotta go north starting around Cape May about 60 miles out to the canyons. Bet a 250 - 300 pound tail walking Tarpon would work, those are always released Usually a couple scales lite as a trophy of the first one. After landing one, most folks appreciate the show then the no barb treatment of easy release.