Jraven's New Soil. Time to dig in.


Here is fishing spot I went to , it is 110 km of the coast , I was fishing out of my 14 ft tinny . A bunch of us had a game boat tow us out , stayed for 5 days , Monster Dog Tooth - Yellow fin tune -- Wahoo -- ect . Nealy got pulled out of the tinny by a Dogtooth , it was sounding in 700 mtr water . @Feenix
great fish story
These are coho or silver salmon
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World Famous Coho. I never got far enough north for a chance at them.
Ever go hear Dan Sullivan play over by Homer? I hear he shows up every now and then in summer and plays.

I wish I had my pics to show. We had some really great days over 20+ years of early retirement to an Island to raise my kids. It was great. Mother nature has a way of getting even and took my boats in one storm that hit head on then everything ashore in the next one with flood.. Just stuff.
World Famous Coho. I never got far enough north for a chance at them.
Ever go hear Dan Sullivan play over by Homer? I hear he shows up every now and then in summer and plays.

I wish I had my pics to show. We had some really great days over 20+ years of early retirement to an Island to raise my kids. It was great. Mother nature has a way of getting even and took my boats in one storm that hit head on then everything ashore in the next one with flood.. Just stuff.

Never been to Homer. Man all we get to do in summer is work lol.
Man brother that's tough to lose all your stuff like that Ma nature can be a bitch indeed. At least you had that great life in the meantime...
We have a nice snug harbor here, and really we don't get that kind of severe weather (that destroys everything in its path) in the temperate latitudes. I mean it will blow 100 knots or so at times doesn't do much damage. I do worry once in a while about the future.
One thing about what we're doing, is basically avoiding surprises. The gear and methods we use are really selective for our target species. Not to say it never happens though. Sharks, large halibut, even a large ling cod can be a hassle to deal with. I'd still someday like to hook a big tuna or billfish on sport gear. Sounds I know who to call on:):pass:

I'd risk these old legs to hook you up to a nice Sail or even a Marlin. I'm not done with the sport yet, just slowed down a bit. The Marlin is a hunt. , the Sail easy at the right time of year. If you want some for the table, cool beans, bring a big cooler and fill it. I liked to remove the barbs and after a few nice jumps and some tail walking, give them some slack to spit the hook, then catch another for the same show. Drifting with a kite rig, live bait, lots of smoke and time. The ladies sunning on the bow
Big Tuna, gotta go north starting around Cape May about 60 miles out to the canyons. Bet a 250 - 300 pound tail walking Tarpon would work, those are always released Usually a couple scales lite as a trophy of the first one. After landing one, most folks appreciate the show then the no barb treatment of easy release.
Sounds like the life all right.. I still get a thrill from the occasional big king salmon 40lbs or more so I'm sure 200 lbs of tail-walker would do it lol.
I still have to get a few years out of my old legs, not sure when I get to retire might be a few more years. We stick pretty close to home anymore, try to avoid the rough stuff.
Never been to Homer. Man all we get to do in summer is work lol.
Man brother that's tough to lose all your stuff like that Ma nature can be a bitch indeed. At least you had that great life in the meantime...
We have a nice snug harbor here, and really we don't get that kind of severe weather (that destroys everything in its path) in the temperate latitudes. I mean it will blow 100 knots or so at times doesn't do much damage. I do worry once in a while about the future.

The house we bought originally and had sold less than a year before the flood for an outrageous profit, was a Canadian built precut home on stilts.. It is still standing and trouble free. We were in a ground level rental while shopping homes. when the end came.
As far as the boats??? The wife never lets me forget the words "Insurance is a sucker bet. I paid cash so we don't need it":shrug:
I'd risk these old legs to hook you up to a nice Sail or even a Marlin. I'm not done with the sport yet, just slowed down a bit. The Marlin is a hunt. , the Sail easy at the right time of year. If you want some for the table, cool beans, bring a big cooler and fill it. I liked to remove the barbs and after a few nice jumps and some tail walking, give them some slack to spit the hook, then catch another for the same show. Drifting with a kite rig, live bait, lots of smoke and time. The ladies sunning on the bow
Big Tuna, gotta go north starting around Cape May about 60 miles out to the canyons. Bet a 250 - 300 pound tail walking Tarpon would work, those are always released Usually a couple scales lite as a trophy of the first one. After landing one, most folks appreciate the show then the no barb treatment of easy release.

I still get a thrill from the occasional big king salmon like 40-50lbs so I'm sure 200lbs of tail walker would satisfy LMAO.
Still need to get a few years out my old legs too...not sure when I get to retire but looks like a few more years
Definitely sounds like the good life there:cheers:
Yea well it's pretty hard to insure an boat like mine, 80 years old and kind of tired. I'd sure as hell hate to lose her though. No insurance on the house either, built by hand and a long way from a fire department..just been lucky. I guess we do know how to start from scratch if we had to but at this point in life really don't want to:)
Yea well it's pretty hard to insure an boat like mine, 80 years old and kind of tired. I'd sure as hell hate to lose her though. No insurance on the house either, built by hand and a long way from a fire department..just been lucky. I guess we do know how to start from scratch if we had to but at this point in life really don't want to:)

I knew going into the retirement that it wouldn't last and afterward I would have to work til I drop. Just another chapter. I don't regret a minute of that time. I don't even miss the stuff except for all my pictures and videos.. They can't be replaced. I even had a couple green flash sunsets on tape.