Outdoor Jraven's Alaska Summer 2019

As far as Mighty Mite goes, it doesn't really like the wet weather. I've tried MM \ Guerilla Gold [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] \ Freeze \ Mighty Freeze etc. and they won't finish for me, outside of some phenos of MM. Greens who made the Guerilla Gold series sent me a huge pack of his GG line back in 2006 (I planted out 174 plants, got 90+ fems) and only a few finished. Most of those finishing were small and clearly of the GG#2 type.

I have high hopes for your Monk x Leb27 mix and truly hope it leads to seeds. That L27 is male is as dense looking as I've ever seen them.


Much respect to you friend and thank-you for turning J onto these amazing Danish cultivars!

Greens who made the Guerilla Gold series sent me a huge pack of his GG line back in 2006
Wow, GG sure was a game changer for the Canadians and us in the Northern US.
Not sure if you were ever over at UDG (another closed forum). I was there for the last few years before it shut down. Greens was there along with most if not all of the Outdoor North American breeders.
I came after Greens left the scene to teach.
I am able to grow and finish GG and GG xes down here, but was really shocked the first time i grew GG#2.
Huge plants that did not finish until end of Sept here.

I can't imagine trying to grow pure MM in a humid environment, they would just melt.
Most unique cultivar that i have ever grown.
Hardly looks like a Cannabis plant, and the terpines are unlike anything out there. I am finding that those terps are dominant in the xes that i have made.
I like MM for the fact that it appears to have some CBD in her, but then again, i can get away with growing her in my semi arid climate.

Esbe, sure is a great guy, and incredible breeder. I am on the last forum (private) that he was on, along with Lala/Bald Monkey and some other Danes.

Anyway, thanks for all of your expertise/historic knowledge on these lines!
I cobble up knowledge and experience like yours.

@StickMan Thanks for stopping by my friend! And all the good info. I'm stoked for the z6 x erd, especially now that I'm seeing bud sites popping out all over them. :cooldance:Like you say I'm sure they will be fine meds. I haven't had as good luck with the autos though, basically all the haze crosses were stunted as were all my autos this year so something I need to work on here rather than the genetics. It looks like the c99 freezeland is going a bit larger but not in preflower yet but it's progressing at a good rate and should be fine. Hope I get a good yield would be nice to cob.
No, I didn't get anything marked MWF, and that sounds like a good'un. I haven't grown anything yet with skunk genes.
Between your strains and the danes I'm feeling like there is some hope I can get a decent crop without the nail-biting endings. I think we are on the right track
I'm going to cob some of the LEB27 in the next day or two
Looking most outstanding my friend, as are all of your plants!

Really kicking myself that i did not pop any of my L27's this season.
Not doing much growing right now. Have a couple of Freezelands out back, which one semi autoed on me.
Smelling of pine.
Also have a couple of AoF x Royal Danes way out back with the Freezes.
In the veggie garden 5 ALF#5s, and a couple of Mighty Mite x AoF F1s, which will be primarily seed plants for F2s.

Think I sent you some fems marked MWF, which stands for (Mighty Freeze x Early Wonder Skunk) x Fucktard. Fucktard is a selected Mighty Freeze pheno.
These are semi autos and will certainly finish nicely for you up there.

i am sure you will enjoy Monk. I grew her a few years ago, and still eating on some oil i made.

i have some Swedish Sativa seeds, grown at lat 60 N. grown at the most Northern border of Sweden grown for decades by an old hermit. I do not see myself ever getting to these, so there are yours if you would like them.

That is Freezeland x C99auto was made by Cres/Krk of Highrise Seeds (now defunct).
She was finished for me down here mid Sept. Very mold tolerant.
Made cob with most of her, and one of my favorite cobs out of all grown and cobbed last fall.

Well, to tell you the truth, i am not sure what you will end up for sure in the end as far as CBD:THC ratios.
That being said, i am confident that both will at least be CBD rich with the possibility of some High CBD numbers popping up. These are only F1s, so very unstable.
Either way, these will be some great meds for you.
The Erdebei is an outstanding medical cultivar on its own, why i used her in conjunction with the pure CBD Z6 cut that i had.
Here is a blurb about Erdebei a.ka. as Irdebei from seedfinder UK

In general two distinctive phenotypes can be found; a Sativa side which carries traits of Jack Herer and a more Indica type which is influenced by Black Domina. The basis of this line was constructed out of several good paternal lines (crosses of Jack Herer, Citral, Black Domina, Swiss Miss) and an especially resinous Erdbeer#Purpurea Ticinensis maternal line.

Thanks again for taking a chance with my gear up there, truly means a lot!

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i have some Swedish Sativa seeds, grown at lat 60 N. grown at the most Northern border of Sweden grown for decades by an old hermit. I do not see myself ever getting to these, so there are yours if you would like them.
You bet, I'd love to try them. Also sounds like one for @trailanimal if it grows in N. Sweden
Looks like a good day coming...fog is burning off. Was 49F this morning but should be in the 60s today.

I'm going to do some cobs, https://www.autoflower.org/threads/cobs-or-canary-anyone.68398/ this is some Leb27
Thanks smokey. I've generally been pretty lucky with pests, just what we call leafhoppers here usually in the greenhouse. They chew the leaves some but not the buds. My bad for importing those caterpillers into there:shooty:
You bet, I'd love to try them. Also sounds like one for @trailanimal if it grows in N. Sweden
I don't think any photos will do it here. Semis would be ok, more plants to sort out though.