@StickMan I took the opportunity to move this lovely Z6 x Erdebei x CBD Haze out for a photo op and some unimpeded sun. She's 55 inches tall and I have had her pulled over a bit in the greenhouse
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Looking most outstanding my friend, as are all of your plants!
Really kicking myself that i did not pop any of my L27's this season.
Not doing much growing right now. Have a couple of Freezelands out back, which one semi autoed on me.
Smelling of pine.
Also have a couple of AoF x Royal Danes way out back with the Freezes.
In the veggie garden 5 ALF#5s, and a couple of Mighty Mite x AoF F1s, which will be primarily seed plants for F2s.
Think I sent you some fems marked MWF, which stands for (Mighty Freeze x Early Wonder Skunk) x Fucktard. Fucktard is a selected Mighty Freeze pheno.
These are semi autos and will certainly finish nicely for you up there.
i am sure you will enjoy Monk. I grew her a few years ago, and still eating on some oil i made.
i have some Swedish Sativa seeds, grown at lat 60 N. grown at the most Northern border of Sweden grown for decades by an old hermit. I do not see myself ever getting to these, so there are yours if you would like them.
This is C99xFreezeland she has held on to the triploid form
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That is Freezeland x C99auto was made by Cres/Krk of Highrise Seeds (now defunct).
She was finished for me down here mid Sept. Very mold tolerant.
Made cob with most of her, and one of my favorite cobs out of all grown and cobbed last fall.
So pretty! Did StickMan talk about CBD:THC levels on her? She starting to flower?
Not that I can recall:smoking:Maybe
@StickMan will pop in to see the gals... but yes she's just starting/ preflower. Her partner is a little smaller but farther along.
Well, to tell you the truth, i am not sure what you will end up for sure in the end as far as CBD:THC ratios.
That being said, i am confident that both will at least be CBD rich with the possibility of some High CBD numbers popping up. These are only F1s, so very unstable.
Either way, these will be some great meds for you.
The Erdebei is an outstanding medical cultivar on its own, why i used her in conjunction with the pure CBD Z6 cut that i had.
Here is a blurb about Erdebei a.ka. as Irdebei from seedfinder UK
In general two distinctive phenotypes can be found; a Sativa side which carries traits of Jack Herer and a more Indica type which is influenced by Black Domina. The basis of this line was constructed out of several good paternal lines (crosses of Jack Herer, Citral, Black Domina, Swiss Miss) and an especially resinous Erdbeer#Purpurea Ticinensis maternal line.
Thanks again for taking a chance with my gear up there, truly means a lot!