Outdoor Jraven's Alaska Summer 2019

Pretty leafage on a little stunted Brooklyn Sunrise
:spels: oooOOoo,... that's gorgeous J-Ray, and pretty uncommon for the veins to stay that green with the purple forming that richly!
:spels: oooOOoo,... that's gorgeous J-Ray, and pretty uncommon for the veins to stay that green with the purple forming that richly!
I've never seen it contrasted quite like that but the other Brookies have the colors. Would it be the cool temps? Been mostly in the 50's the last couple weeks
These Leb 27 know how to do the business. This one grew OD until a couple weeks ago, I brought it into the greenhouse through the bad weather. Going to give it a day or two of the predicted sunny weather then harvest.


These Leb 27 know how to do the business. This one grew OD until a couple weeks ago, I brought it into the greenhouse through the bad weather. Going to give it a day or two of the predicted sunny weather then harvest.View attachment 1085747
View attachment 1085748
View attachment 1085749

Sweet looking lady, also very quick to finish. Takes some convincing before people agree that it actually isn't an auto or superauto, since it is damn near faster than most of them :)

As far as Mighty Mite goes, it doesn't really like the wet weather. I've tried MM \ Guerilla Gold [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] \ Freeze \ Mighty Freeze etc. and they won't finish for me, outside of some phenos of MM. Greens who made the Guerilla Gold series sent me a huge pack of his GG line back in 2006 (I planted out 174 plants, got 90+ fems) and only a few finished. Most of those finishing were small and clearly of the GG#2 type.

Even tried the Danish Gold which is Danish Passion x Guerilla Gold [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] I think, and it wasn't near to finish. Which is a damn shame, since everyone raves about it.

I have high hopes for your Monk x Leb27 mix and truly hope it leads to seeds. That L27 is male is as dense looking as I've ever seen them.

Also nice to see the tactic I've always used of root restricting Danish genes working out for you. I've grown shitload of Danish IBL's that shouldn't finish in Norway that way.

Normally Monk is a quicker plant than L27, but you've turned it around. How long do you estimate for that christmas three looking Monk in the picture with two plants? (I mean the one on the left side of the grey tub there, it looks way earlier than the one in the black pot next to it).
Sweet looking lady, also very quick to finish. Takes some convincing before people agree that it actually isn't an auto or superauto, since it is damn near faster than most of them :)

As far as Mighty Mite goes, it doesn't really like the wet weather. I've tried MM \ Guerilla Gold [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] \ Freeze \ Mighty Freeze etc. and they won't finish for me, outside of some phenos of MM. Greens who made the Guerilla Gold series sent me a huge pack of his GG line back in 2006 (I planted out 174 plants, got 90+ fems) and only a few finished. Most of those finishing were small and clearly of the GG#2 type.

Even tried the Danish Gold which is Danish Passion x Guerilla Gold [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] I think, and it wasn't near to finish. Which is a damn shame, since everyone raves about it.

I have high hopes for your Monk x Leb27 mix and truly hope it leads to seeds. That L27 is male is as dense looking as I've ever seen them.

Also nice to see the tactic I've always used of root restricting Danish genes working out for you. I've grown shitload of Danish IBL's that shouldn't finish in Norway that way.

Normally Monk is a quicker plant than L27, but you've turned it around. How long do you estimate for that christmas three looking Monk in the picture with two plants? (I mean the one on the left side of the grey tub there, it looks way earlier than the one in the black pot next to it).
It's been a lot of fun growing these, they really seem to be ok with the climate. Thanks for turning me on to them.
We are dealing with to separate runs of the danes here...i started some in april and some in june I have a few more lebs coming along nicely and a monk male I'm passing to a friend today since I'm finished pollen chucking for now. It's pretty nice looking. And a beautiful monk female from the later round that has lots of bud sites.
I'm pretty sure the Monk x Leb is seeded although it isn't as obvious as the monk x monk. Those are the two you mentioned, the left one is monk x monk the other is leb x monk. They actually are now pretty close in development. I'm seeing lots of swelling calyxes the seeds are still small and green...two-three good weeks maybe? We have a week of sunny and warm coming.
Maybe the reason for the lebs finishing earlier is they were in the greenhouse more although that wasn't so true of the one that I just showed that's finishing...it was outside all summer and is the same age as the two seeded ones.
I also did a Leb x ALF5 and today trimming a DP brooklyn sunrise I found two seeds which is nice if those are the only accidents:yoinks: