Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs

Day 15 for SBs and bulk:

OK, so wasn't planning on being back at groom so soon, but two things concerned me when I last visited:

1) while in the tent, noticed a lil flying insect, killed it with a clap, looked like fungus gnat/mosquito. Hopefully the latter, had FGs before, they're a nightmare! Put a yellow trap down to see if an issue, only got one on it today and not seen anymore, what do you guys think this is:

Gonna keep eye out for any others. Thought could be mozzy as the still tray water is ideal for them. Which brings me onto issue 2.

2) surface of water had developed a murky film on top, so I'm now running an air pump thru an air cushion. Thinking it'll break surface tension and oxygenate roots. Also should help with gnats as they die when exposed to H2O2.

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May invest in higher power pump as only got basic hailea. Can u go all out on this or can it fuck with the Ph? Surely using airdomes means a considerable amount of air?

The plants seem to have gone thru another 20-30 odd litres judging by level in the rez. Stripped a few inner fans off them all to open them out, get light to lowers, nice smell of lemon/pine.

Only one still has yellow tips, so nute level is ideal currently, bless u biotabs. Roots are growing into rez:

Made me think of issues encountered by @2Stoned2Care.

For fun I Ph'd the tray which was 7.0, and ppm which was 1600! Girls seem to be loving it still all praying so no action to take.
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Ordered a small recirculating pump for the tray rez, Hailea HX800:-

would've preferred larger one but the depth of water in the tray is 2cm.

Just wondering whether to go all out on an air pump and get 60lt/min Hailea, seems like overkill but I keep reading more oxygen to the roots the better. The main downside is it increases the rez ph, but I'm thinking that should not be an issue as it's drain to waste system with the water being regularly turned over by girls drinking it and being refreshed by the main rez which isn't bubbling. @Wile e Peyote what do you reckon bro? I read on Bay Lee's latest thread that you think best to go for 20lt/min minimum, though appreciate that's dwc.
Ordered a small recirculating pump for the tray rez, Hailea HX800:-
View attachment 704006
would've preferred larger one but the depth of water in the tray is 2cm.

Just wondering whether to go all out on an air pump and get 60lt/min Hailea, seems like overkill but I keep reading more oxygen to the roots the better. The main downside is it increases the rez ph, but I'm thinking that should not be an issue as it's drain to waste system with the water being regularly turned over by girls drinking it and being refreshed by the main rez which isn't bubbling. @Wile e Peyote what do you reckon bro? I read on Bay Lee's latest thread that you think best to go for 20lt/min minimum, though appreciate that's dwc.
i use one of these dude
with three pots but I will be using it with 4 pots this run