Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs

Awesome job jay bro,you are going to be swimming in bud great job

And btw if you want a low odour strain get northern lights its very low odour but still has a great taste when cured

Cheers 2Stoned :cheers: , that's what I heard about both blue mystic and northern lights, fortunately latest seed order comes with a freebie vision northern lights so I will run either that or the blue mystic to see if low odour is possible. Have you run NL yourself?
Cheers 2Stoned :cheers: , that's what I heard about both blue mystic and northern lights, fortunately latest seed order comes with a freebie vision northern lights so I will run either that or the blue mystic to see if low odour is possible. Have you run NL yourself?

Not run it personally bro but everyone that has said it it was very low odour,i remember smoking it a lot back in the day and it did not really smell when ground up but the taste was fantastic and the high was great to.some of the best smoke i have ever had never smelled at all but the high would sit you down for hours :thumbsup:
Front left SB in the trim machine:-







The rest of front left SB, main cola:


After some breaking up and a spin:


Front left SB harvest, I underestimated the yield, used up both 2lt jars on this one girl:


Had a lucky escape on this one, found one of the single buds on the stem had developed some mold :nono:, but didn't see anything on the main buds:

Never had many of these single buds before on previous grows, pretty sure they usually die off before harvest, I stripped them off all the stems and filled up a mighty filling tool, nice vape!
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Back right SB:



Back left SB harvest:


The two buds on the trim machine are the two largest tops which I think have developed some mold inside, so kept them separate.

Not done a weight in yet, there's still a bit of moisture to dry out so gonna be burping the jars, trim machine would do even better with fully dried nugs I reckon, but either way pleased with the purchase. Absolutely ecstatic with this much bud off two girls. Looks like 6-8oz in total, so already as much as previous run of 4 (non autos) brought in.

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What's still happening in the tent:


Autumn has well and truly arrived for the remaining SBs; here's the day 90 girl, would've chopped today but ran out of time doing first two:



Hoping this is still alive (!?) On return in next few days.

SB15, lot of yellowing too at Day 73, right on track for recommended dat 75-85 guideline chop:



Frosty the snowman, also yellowing heavily now at Day 73:


Whilst the bulk still thinks it's the middle of summer, also at Day 73:


Average temps have been creeping up and I want this girl to finish so I've knocked light hours to 18/6 from 20/4, hoping it makes it get a step on.

Happy days fellow Blades! :smokeout:
What's still happening in the tent:

View attachment 731688

Autumn has well and truly arrived for the remaining SBs; here's the day 90 girl, would've chopped today but ran out of time doing first two:

View attachment 731690
View attachment 731691
Hoping this is still alive (!?) On return in next few days.

SB15, lot of yellowing too at Day 73, right on track for recommended dat 75-85 guideline chop:

View attachment 731693


Frosty the snowman, also yellowing heavily now at Day 73:

View attachment 731694

Whilst the bulk still thinks it's the middle of summer, also at Day 73:

View attachment 731696

Average temps have been creeping up and I want this girl to finish so I've knocked light hours to 18/6 from 20/4, hoping it makes it get a step on.

Happy days fellow Blades! :smokeout:
Would love to have a trimmer but it's way down on my priority list. Better keep any eye on the bulk for mold she looks like she has rather thick vegetation.
cracking harvest,plants looking lush.that machine makes light of the boring stuff to.

Thanks Arch, if you got a bit of space definitely recommend the trimmer, it's not the closest trim but more than adequate for me. Probably get even closer with fully dried bud, as some of stems kept getting stuck.

Great harvest Jay. And a great save from mold...just in time!

Cheers Yeats! Yeah lucky escape with that one but did suffer a bit on the other girl, maybe should've topped em so they didn't get big central colas...or split them up more on drying, it's a bit of a quandary. :shrug:
Would love to have a trimmer but it's way down on my priority list. Better keep any eye on the bulk for mold she looks like she has rather thick vegetation.

Will do Hems, though I think it occurred during drying, its literally the tops of the biggest tops, is it really that bad to vape/smoke? Not obvious to the untrained eye, but definitely bit of grey fur that shouldn't be there.