Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs

Btw I'm at the groom prepping for harvest, removed two of the riper SBs, going to do a @HemiSync and leave them in the dark outside the tent to resin up over mon and tues, more pics on way shortly:

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You will have to let me know if that makes removing the sugar leaves easier. Last time I did it for at least three days and the leaves were just falling out without even trying.
SBx3 Day 82

Moved the two SB on the left out the tent and removed some fans, chose them on the basis of having yellowed out the most, the bulk has really bushes out so need to give it more light penetration.

Back left SB has been neglected for attention with it being in the corner, but looks a great yielder with heavy frost:




Just fat frosty colas, on appearance she'd be a keeper pheno

This main top is just chunk:

Frosty nugs all round


Girl formerly known as SB front left, we've seen this tart repeatedly as easy to get to at the front, looks the worse cosmetically, but still should be good vape:


And here they are, together on death row :amazon:

SB Back right gets stay of execution for being greener than the other two, top buds developing bit of purple, nice:


This one is like a hybrid of the other two both in looks and smell.

:thanks:for watching!:frog:
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Day 65 SB15

This girl is promising to be an even larger version of the showcase girl above, buds are very thick and long already with another couple of weeks to go:




SB15, tall lanky frosty sativa, had to start stringing it up with garden wire as can't take the weight lol


In the pics this looks huge, but the colas aren't that long/ large, so damn frosty though.



Seems to be enjoying the room now, I super-cropped some tops to spread it out a bit, hoping it gets a move on next couple of weeks, as tiny colas still...

Buds buds and more buds!! :drool: looks amazing!!!!

I can barely believe my own eyes when they're in front of me mate, just hope they hold their size on drying.

How am I just seeing this grow now?! Wow, amazing colas bro. Super frosty. I'm gonna need to back track and absorb some knowledge. Have a :slap:

Thanks buddy, and sorry should have included you in my shout out a while back, so many good folk on AFN! It's a worthwhile read bro if you want to pursue a lazier growing style, but still get some nice bud at the end.

If there was any doubt that BioTabs could make it through flower, I think you have killed that worry. Fantastic looking ladies. :thumbsup: Hold real still now!:slap:

Thank you Hems, I got to admit the two I removed from the tent are playing on my mind, keep thinking I'm going to arrive tomorrow to find them covered in mold, though no real reason why that would happen. Ambient temps don't drop below 20c and they're in with the extractor, I think it's being this close to the end..agonising over random stuff.
I :d5:can barely believe my own eyes when they're in front of me mate, just hope they hold their size on drying.

Thanks buddy, and sorry should have included you in my shout out a while back, so many good folk on AFN! It's a worthwhile read bro if you want to pursue a lazier growing style, but still get some nice bud at the end.

Thank you Hems, I got to admit the two I removed from the tent are playing on my mind, keep thinking I'm going to arrive tomorrow to find them covered in mold, though no real reason why that would happen. Ambient temps don't drop below 20c and they're in with the extractor, I think it's being this close to the end..agonising over random stuff.

Wow, you grew these by just sticking biotabs in the soil and watering? :d5:
Wow, you grew these by just sticking biotabs in the soil and watering? :d5:

Not quite mate, been supplementing with liquid nutes and beny bacteria, plus the system is a variation on autopots; so difficult to say how much is down to the tabs, have regularly gone 6 days absent from the groom, the tabs kept things ticking over nicely. :cheers:
Day 85 Harvest for two of the SBs:



One thing I've noticed straight away is these 2 filled the top part of this frame, whereas last harvest I fitted all four girls on.. got 7.5oz for them so could I be on for about that just from these two!? Amazing if so :cooldance::yay::joy:

Decided I've got enough sativary girls with these two and other SBs so the other 85 day SB is going to be left longer for shits and giggles, want more couch lock as not convinced bulk will finish properly which would have provided this, here she is turning autumnal:

Run 2 coming up, cheers dudes :baked: