Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs

Day 63 SB15

This is the POM nom ;) of the group, developing fat buds like back left SB, but much bigger, longer and more colas.





SB10 day 63

Slightly disappointed with this one as not fattening up as much as 15, but is the frostiest of the lot including run1, tent pic a couple of posts above is also this girl, for the full view she's front centre.


Even the bulk is finally blooming and will enjoy the space when run1 is out


But look at cola development compared to SB10 which is the smaller too:


That's all on the girls folks!
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:headbang: :bow::drool: :worship: Ahhhhhh, screw it :woody:Damn that is some nice looking flowers.
Tent today:

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Day 80 SBx3

Front left

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Back left

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The tent is against a wardrobe on this side, so can't access this one very well, really chunky buds on this one.

Back right
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The bud leaves are starting to break off at the slightest bit of force, so they're very close now, no time to harvest today, busy with work, so gonna leave it the full 85.

Run 2 coming up..
Your gonna have yourself a nice smoke there dude (and a lot of it) niiiice grow [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk

Cheers fella, yeah it's looking that way Wile, these girls are frosty mofos, best looking girls I've grown.

that is one full tent m8 :drool: ... and some really nice looking buds :worship:

Thanks brother Slow, I've maxed it out I think dude, really need to get more light into the bulk and spread it out, but think it'll survive till weds when I plan to harvest run 1.

:headbang: :bow::drool: :worship: Ahhhhhh, screw it :woody:Damn that is some nice looking flowers.

Yep best looking buds I've so done yet Hems, if this doesn't get more folk on the biotabs game, I'm not sure what will.
Btw I got the all following for £10.50, just to show I wasn't bs'ing about going cheap on the tray additives:

1lt seaweed extract £4
2lt Tom feed £3
740g molasses £3


I diluted two tablespoons of the molasses into 2 litres of main rez water, in a jug checked ph about 6.4 and ppm 1200 and added that to the tray, also another 2 litres of rez water along with 30ml of the seaweed extract. ph'd the tray rez half hour later, 7.0 in tray and ppm 560, girls all praying, think they liked it.

Didn't bother with the Tom feed as they've all got yellow tips so no extra main feed required.

Picked up the tray for £3, as I didn't have anything to take the girls out to sit the pots in come harvest lol, it should also fit my smaller tent back in my own place, win win.

I smirked to myself when I saw the 'get growing' logo on the package...too right! Best thing is you can buy this stuff at the mo and folk just think you're getting round to the garden care again.
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Looking absolutely atoning in there mate! Proper tent full of stink for sure :worship:

How many are actually stuffed in there you mad fecker lol?

Those colas look bloody fantastic mate well done :d5: :woohoo: :vibe:

Thanks Hips, it's still mainly the power of the tabs mate! I wish i could be less of a meddler and just let them go with only tabs, but I like you can't afford an unsuccessful harvest.

Only got 6 in there, I know looking at the pics it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins, can tell which are the older and the bulk, but other two merge into one, lol

Really excited about SB15 mate, the colas are stupidly large, and she's a big girl. I think tall girl SB10 is gonna be some cracking smoke as she is super frosty, but not the yielder I intially thought she'd be, though there's still a couple of weeks yet for her to fatten up.