Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs

How is it harsh and how is it skepticism mate? Personally I don't just accept things as true until I've seen results. Not a bad rule of thumb to be fair. Otherwise you're just gonna end up a victim of marketing.

And why on earth would you make the comment about water? I simply pointed out that Jay is not using the starter kit in any shape or form. Which he isn't lol. He is only using the tabs, so no comparison with a starter kit grow can be drawn. Perfectly reasonable observations in my eyes?
The water comment was a joke. The harsh was my reaction to your posts and just how it came across to me. Body language just cannot be duplicated in text and I am truly sorry if I offended you.

I don't take everything on market hype either, which is why I am willing to try new things to see if they work. There are several growers on AFN already using them in some form, to use in their gardens, which is what made me want to try them. Not everyone is going to use them per the instructions and will adjust for their environment. As I said before, I will run them per their instructions just to see if they work. No big deal if it goes bad as I have plenty of meds for myself. But I think it might go ok from what I have been seeing in these grows so far. Time and a couple grows will tell me what I want to know.

Happy growing
The water comment was a joke. The harsh was my reaction to your posts and just how it came across to me. Body language just cannot be duplicated in text and I am truly sorry if I offended you.

I don't take everything on market hype either, which is why I am willing to try new things to see if they work. There are several growers on AFN already using them in some form, to use in their gardens, which is what made me want to try them. Not everyone is going to use them per the instructions and will adjust for their environment. As I said before, I will run them per their instructions just to see if they work. No big deal if it goes bad as I have plenty of meds for myself. But I think it might go ok from what I have been seeing in these grows so far. Time and a couple grows will tell me what I want to know.

Happy growing

I don't think I was being harsh mate. Just reasonable I thought. I seem to be offending everyone at the moment so it's me no doubt. I'm not sure what's gone wrong but mouth seems to be misfiring or something I don't know. I don't mean any offence to anyone and never do. I was just trying to ask specific questions about a specific situation - i.e., just growing with biotabs starter kit and nowt else. As I have read a few comments around the place that yield MAY be reduced. I personally can't afford to experiment as I am a poor student now and rely on what I grow for my smoke. So a bad harvest is something of a disaster. Also only have a 3x3 tent so even more so.

I'm also willing to try new things man and that's why I'm asking the questions. I am curious, and like to try new stuff but only if I think there's a good chance it's going to work.

No offence meant to you or anyone else mate. Just genuine interest and maybe sometimes challenging questions :biggrin: :vibe:

And at the moment a big, tactless, apparently acidic tongue or something. Still working on it :redcard: for myself :vibe:
I don't think I was being harsh mate. Just reasonable I thought. I seem to be offending everyone at the moment so it's me no doubt. I'm not sure what's gone wrong but mouth seems to be misfiring or something I don't know. I don't mean any offence to anyone and never do. I was just trying to ask specific questions about a specific situation - i.e., just growing with biotabs starter kit and nowt else. As I have read a few comments around the place that yield MAY be reduced. I personally can't afford to experiment as I am a poor student now and rely on what I grow for my smoke. So a bad harvest is something of a disaster. Also only have a 3x3 tent so even more so.

I'm also willing to try new things man and that's why I'm asking the questions. I am curious, and like to try new stuff but only if I think there's a good chance it's going to work.

No offence meant to you or anyone else mate. Just genuine interest and maybe sometimes challenging questions :biggrin: :vibe:

And at the moment a big, tactless, apparently acidic tongue or something. Still working on it :redcard: for myself :vibe:
No biggie and no offense taken, I will tag you when I start my BioTabs grow around the 9th and you can keep me honest, especially if it goes badly. Feel free to ask all the tough questions cause I will be doing the same. If it is just a reduced yeild for a better tasting smoke I will take it. At almost 60, I like to treat myself now.

I too, grow in a 3x3 with two autopots and have been lucky enough to keep myself and two relatives in pain relieving salves and some good smoke for me and the cat. I'm just hoping that BioTabs and autopots work out well because I travel a lot for work and automation is the only way I have some grows finish.
No biggie and no offense taken, I will tag you when I start my BioTabs grow around the 9th and you can keep me honest, especially if it goes badly. Feel free to ask all the tough questions cause I will be doing the same. If it is just a reduced yeild for a better tasting smoke I will take it. At almost 60, I like to treat myself now.

I too, grow in a 3x3 with two autopots and have been lucky enough to keep myself and two relatives in pain relieving salves and some good smoke for me and the cat. I'm just hoping that BioTabs and autopots work out well because I travel a lot for work and automation is the only way I have some grows finish.

Awesome thanks mate.

I will also happily trade some quantity for quality, definitely. I smoke for medication but not for pain relief, more of a mood stabiliser ironically! :crying: :deadhorse:

But anyway, like Jay has done, organic extras can be added for little extra money compared to running an entire line of synthetic nutes which is what I'm doing at the moment. It really bugs me to use nasty chemicals that fook the planet up.

Look forward to the tag to your biotabs grow, much appreciated.
@HemiSync @hippy71 , amazing isn't it that this lil herb generates such debate.

Hips just go for the starter pack, isn't going to break bank dude, 2stoned and slow show that it does the business, just chow down on some leaves instead of bud, to eek you out ;)

Will do mate. Gonna run the Gorilla x OG with the biotabs kit :biggrin:
I think i am going to get the boom boom spray and pk booster compost tea as well for my next biotabs grow then i will have there complete organic line up.dont know whether i will use the autopot system because i am enjoying watering my girl,i know its only water but makes it feel more personal lol.just made up another little feed of bactrex and 5ml per ltr orgatrex for her because she looks like she wants a little more feed to make her colas fat bitches

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I think i am going to get the boom boom spray and pk booster compost tea as well for my next biotabs grow then i will have there complete organic line up.dont know whether i will use the autopot system because i am enjoying watering my girl,i know its only water but makes it feel more personal lol.just made up another little feed of bactrex and 5ml per ltr orgatrex for her because she looks like she wants a little more feed to make her colas fat bitches

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

i used the boom boom spray after i broke the main cola on Brie my white cheese ... she healed, but if the spray helped i can't say :shrug::rofl:
Tent today:


Day 80 SBx3

Front left



Back left


The tent is against a wardrobe on this side, so can't access this one very well, really chunky buds on this one.

Back right


The bud leaves are starting to break off at the slightest bit of force, so they're very close now, no time to harvest today, busy with work, so gonna leave it the full 85.

Run 2 coming up..