Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs


Do you think it could possibly be considered patronising to always put an emoji of someone rolling around laughing when you don't agree with someone's point mate? I think it definitely could be taken that way when communicating without the benefit of body language. Just a heads up mate.
Amazing! Wonderfol job, bro!


How do you like the biotabs?
Do they supply enough phosphate for flowering?

Also been wondering about tabs and flowers. That's the only slightly unknown at the moment in my mind. Yield and nug quality.

Jays colas look absolutely awesome but I don't think he just used the biotabs starter kit? Tabs only I believe, and then his own concoction?

Yep do love the biotabs, I'm fairly confident they would have been fine on their own, but wanting to meddle a bit I did add beny bacteria to start in form of plant magic granules, then supplemented with tray rez applications of Biobizz Topmax & Bloom, both runs on potting up into the final pots also got a Biobizz Grow & Fish Sauce feeds, these were light, The grow and fish sauce were 1ml/per litre, and I calculate total tray rez to be approx 28 litres (2cm depth x 120cm x 120cm), applications were each 28ml so 1ml/litre and only weekly. I suppose the barley extract I've been adding may also be nutritional but only done 2ml per whole tray rez.

I'm considering going proper cheapy cheapy for future tray additions, Wilkos do a bottle of seaweed extract for only £4 a litre, that can sub the biobloom as I think kelp is the main constituent. Also may get their tomato feed, and some unsulfured molasses, this would substitute topmax. I'm also considering adding small amounts of milk, as I used that as foliar on previous crops, both nutritional and natural insecticide.
@Sensi Jay, do you use tabs only? Mr. @Slowmo told me there was additional recommended chemicals...I don't remember exactly.

No as above I do not, the main biotabs starter pack has a variety of additions you can use, I've tried to emulate it with my own additions and seems to have worked touch wood, lol.

Check out @Nabzter 's grow on here, I'm pretty sure he did simply use just the tabs and water, he got an awesome harvest. I'm just a meddling grower, but who likes things to work in the background also!
No as above I do not, the main biotabs starter pack has a variety of additions you can use, I've tried to emulate it with my own additions and seems to have worked touch wood, lol.

Check out @Nabzter 's grow on here, I'm pretty sure he did simply use just the tabs and water, he got an awesome harvest. I'm just a meddling grower, but who likes things to work in the background also!

Will check out his grow mate. Very interested to see his results.
Do you think it could possibly be considered patronising to always put an emoji of someone rolling around laughing when you don't agree with someone's point mate? I think it definitely could be taken that way when communicating without the benefit of body language. Just a heads up mate.

i see you point, noted ... u know it not meant that way !

Mephisto aren't growing for quality buds and yields mate. They're breeding. It's a valid question that needs answering dude.

As far as i know they also use them in development, not just repro

but lets end this Brie will answer :cheers::rofl: