Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs

Yes it would be best with clones but while I have photo strains I could grow and clone, I don't have any plans for regulars indoors until fall at earliest, so the first test will be with auto seeds.

That's nice of your family to let you do that. Now grab a 2x2x3 and add it to your old room and ask the women of the house to help you make babies. :crying:

The way I do it there is minimal effort and resources. Grow a solo cup plant, reverse it, use the pollen where you want, and a few weeks later seeds. My pic I use here is of 500+ feminized Auto Mazar seeds I grew last year. When I'm stoned I think it looks like a spiral galaxy. :rofl:

:D , not sure that would fit in the room too Hemi, ha ha ha. Have to do some rearranging. I do have two small tents, so it is a possibility. And I remember the colloidal silver and all that jazz (/jizz!?) to get the males. Yeah all you can do is test autos, still be interesting. Maybe do a batch and pick the ones that look most similar, it's tricky.

Ha ha women of the house, there's only my younger bro there these days, he's not a toker, which is good and bad for various reasons.
:D , not sure that would fit in the room too Hemi, ha ha ha. Have to do some rearranging. I do have two small tents, so it is a possibility. And I remember the colloidal silver and all that jazz (/jizz!?) to get the males. Yeah all you can do is test autos, still be interesting. Maybe do a batch and pick the ones that look most similar, it's tricky.

Ha ha women of the house, there's only my younger bro there these days, he's not a toker, which is good and bad for various reasons.
When testing with autos I normally drop 2 or 3 seeds in each pot and cull the weaker ones.

I understand about brothers. lol
When testing with autos I normally drop 2 or 3 seeds in each pot and cull the weaker ones.

I understand about brothers. lol

I still think this is tricky, because the performance of a seedling is not indicative of how it performs as a mature girl. Case in point, the bulk promised so much on that basis yet disappointing so far.
Also sour bubbly in the 10litre (left below) wasn't as developed as its become:
as it is now (front centre):
so I :shrug:
I still think this is tricky, because the performance of a seedling is not indicative of how it performs as a mature girl. Case in point, the bulk promised so much on that basis yet disappointing so far.
I completely agree, but it is the only way I know to at least have two strong seedlings. I was going to start this on all the autos I start from now on because I don't want one good one and one stunted one like my last grow. It's not like I don't have the spare seeds. :smoking:
Here...have some salt to run on that wound, while you're at it. :biggrin:
Hey now, a bottle of Collodial Silver and a couple solo cup plants and you too could have an abundance of seeds.:smoking:
Don't forget the space. We Can t grow seeds in our pockets. ;)
Yes I know, which why I mentioned the smallest possible configuration, solo cups. Of course, if you really want to get fancy in a very small space, like a Petri dish and test tube, then look into plant tissue culturing. This is currently available and will probably be the replacement for cloning in the future. Would also be a great way to duplicate autoflowers. If I ever get the time and money I want to get a tissue culture kit, there are a couple available for home use.

I really only bring up making seeds and this other stuff to help stimulate the juices of the good folks that read these forums. I am always pleased at how much innovation there is amongst growers. Here at AFN, I have seen everything from great DIY projects to people testing every method of growing. Here is a brief intro to the subject for those that might be interested or stimulated to give it a try.