Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs

Holy cow sorry mate I've been so far up my own arse the last few days I neglected to check your journal! Your plants are friggin awesome brother Jay!! They are taking off like mad feckers dude! :biggrin: :d5: :worship:

Any pics today? Oh you only go to the groom on occasion don't you? Not sure how you manage that! I am totally ocd and have to check at least hourly! It's a bloody curse.

Thanks as always buddy. I'm exactly same way mate, best if they're not under same roof lol. No update pics, looking like Sunday for that. Need to check with OH, as visiting friends near the groom so she either let's me visit then or I do a separate trip.

Some of the best autopot grows on here are run by dudes who regularly are away for weeks at a time..hansbricks and my man Hemi spring to mind. It's the beauty of the system.
Can't see it being an issue mate. Plus they haven't got your money!! :crying:

Not that I would want any decent business to loose out obviously.

He's still getting my trade, just Herbie's have already paid him ...I guess lol. It's been a ball ache setting up the payment, then I find there's a bank fee...fuming!
Im struggling to see the difference between the normal tabs and guerilla ... except that you don't give the initial soil prep. but i would still do that, all pots need some myco.. I will be doing a comparative run outdoor this summer..

I have 10 Sweet Seeds Green Poison set aside for this , half will get normal tabs the other half Guerrilla... :pass:
I have not had time to actually determine the differences, is that really the only difference? If so, I start my outdoor grows in a greenhouse using fabric pots, which I put directly into the ground so would want to inoculate the soil first as well. Please tag me on you comparative run. I am considering doing a two plant comparison run in April in my autopots with AN in one and BioTabs in the other. :cheers:

Thanks as always buddy. I'm exactly same way mate, best if they're not under same roof lol. No update pics, looking like Sunday for that. Need to check with OH, as visiting friends near the groom so she either let's me visit then or I do a separate trip.

Some of the best autopot grows on here are run by dudes who regularly are away for weeks at a time..hansbricks and my man Hemi spring to mind. It's the beauty of the system.
LOL, not always because I want to. Last grow I was actually out of the house for over three weeks, one week at a time, and the autopots just kept on trucking. Pulled almost half a pound from two plants and it was the easiest indoor grow I have ever had. My current grow I told my boss I was not going out of town until May so will be a good comparison. Although, I have it much more dialed in this time. In my next grow in May, I already know I will be out of town a week at a time with only a day home in between each week. So will only have time to wash my clothes while changing reservoirs, should be a real good example of how hands free they are after getting it dialed in.

He's still getting my trade, just Herbie's have already paid him ...I guess lol. It's been a ball ache setting up the payment, then I find there's a bank fee...fuming!
Yea I saw the banking issues starting for seed banks last year and another good reason to take up breeding. Give it a try Jay, it's great fun making plants have sex. :crying:
I have not had time to actually determine the differences, is that really the only difference? If so, I start my outdoor grows in a greenhouse using fabric pots, which I put directly into the ground so would want to inoculate the soil first as well. Please tag me on you comparative run. I am considering doing a two plant comparison run in April in my autopots with AN in one and BioTabs in the other. :cheers:

LOL, not always because I want to. Last grow I was actually out of the house for over three weeks, one week at a time, and the autopots just kept on trucking. Pulled almost half a pound from two plants and it was the easiest indoor grow I have ever had. My current grow I told my boss I was not going out of town until May so will be a good comparison. Although, I have it much more dialed in this time. In my next grow in May, I already know I will be out of town a week at a time with only a day home in between each week. So will only have time to wash my clothes while changing reservoirs, should be a real good example of how hands free they are after getting it dialed in.

Yea I saw the banking issues starting for seed banks last year and another good reason to take up breeding. Give it a try Jay, it's great fun making plants have sex. :crying:

Comparison grow would be awesome, though would be best with clones.

I just don't have room at my current residence for my 4x4 let alone breeding. It's not out of choice it's not here either, I just have a supportive family who let me use my old room. They top up the main rez and let me know if anything amiss.

Dinafem have cancelled the order so back to square one, mulling over what to get lol
Sometimes the mulling is the best part. I can't put another grow on until the autumn and yet I'm already working out what I'm gonna grow. I nearly hit the button on Sweet Seeds Crystal Candy and Sweet Nurse CBD the other night. I mean, what's the point of them sitting there in my fridge all summer... but somehow I know I'm gonna get them just as soon as I've worked out what the other two plants will be...
For what it's worth, I've always ordered direct from DP and paid by bitcoin, seemed so much less hassle than screwing around with bank transfers (cannot be bothered with that, especially if there are fees attached). Though when I was researching strains to buy the other night I saw seedsman have a deal on at the moment with a load of free seeds (including Mephisto Ripley OG) if you pay with bitcoin...
Comparison grow would be awesome, though would be best with clones.

I just don't have room at my current residence for my 4x4 let alone breeding. It's not out of choice it's not here either, I just have a supportive family who let me use my old room. They top up the main rez and let me know if anything amiss.

Dinafem have cancelled the order so back to square one, mulling over what to get lol

DP auto Colorado cookies [emoji3]

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Comparison grow would be awesome, though would be best with clones.

I just don't have room at my current residence for my 4x4 let alone breeding. It's not out of choice it's not here either, I just have a supportive family who let me use my old room. They top up the main rez and let me know if anything amiss.

Dinafem have cancelled the order so back to square one, mulling over what to get lol
Yes it would be best with clones but while I have photo strains I could grow and clone, I don't have any plans for regulars indoors until fall at earliest, so the first test will be with auto seeds.

That's nice of your family to let you do that. Now grab a 2x2x3 and add it to your old room and ask the women of the house to help you make babies. :crying:

The way I do it there is minimal effort and resources. Grow a solo cup plant, reverse it, use the pollen where you want, and a few weeks later seeds. My pic I use here is of 500+ feminized Auto Mazar seeds I grew last year. When I'm stoned I think it looks like a spiral galaxy. :rofl: