Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs

Yes I know, which why I mentioned the smallest possible configuration, solo cups. Of course, if you really want to get fancy in a very small space, like a Petri dish and test tube, then look into plant tissue culturing. This is currently available and will probably be the replacement for cloning in the future. Would also be a great way to duplicate autoflowers. If I ever get the time and money I want to get a tissue culture kit, there are a couple available for home use.

I really only bring up making seeds and this other stuff to help stimulate the juices of the good folks that read these forums. I am always pleased at how much innovation there is amongst growers. Here at AFN, I have seen everything from great DIY projects to people testing every method of growing. Here is a brief intro to the subject for those that might be interested or stimulated to give it a try.
I love your reply, and I'm totally interested, yet not ready. I was just playing with you, I hope you realize.
I love your reply, and I'm totally interested, yet not ready. I was just playing with you, I hope you realize.
Absolutely! That's what I love about this place, intelligent conversation and banter with much less drama. :pass:
Only got chance to snap a few pics, and unfortunately got a new phone which shows the yellow of the HPS much worse than last model, so my apologies for the quality, hopefully alter the settings to improve things.

The view as I opened the tent :yoinks:


Jungle canopy in here now. Other pics, these were taken upright but upload side on, anyone got any ideas as to why?

Bulk getting a bit lost in the SBs, day 40:


Here's couple of pics of the SBs day 59

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Those SB colas are gonna be well chunky mate! Really thick already :d5:

Hope so mate, gotta say couldn't tell there had been much development on run 1, I really gotta get checking the trichs as technically they've only got 10 days left. Looking super frosty, doesn't come thru on the pics.
Holy jungle. Hope you got lots of air movement.

For the pics, either turn the phone sideways, volume down. Or, take photo upright and for me.

And about air movement, should have that covered, got an 8" extraction fan running at 80% refreshing the air and a 17" desk fan on max blowing over the tops, also a small fan at pot level blowing over the pot tops.