Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs

ive no idea what way im holding my eyefone,but if i make even the smallest of crops the pic seems to right itself.
get back up scissors,them ones you have arnt gona cope.

I'll give that a go, thanks arch. Can't be doing with all that hand trimming, gone and got myself a 2nd hand bowl trimmer:

Couldn't say no for that price, plus looks similar to the one @sanguine did his review on so should be good I hope.
Swelling up nicely dude. Thats money well spent for sure

Back there tomorrow bro, so get some proper pics up during lights out, and show u the identical door :crying: you got that vape on order yet? You won't regret mate!

hmm its just got all industrial in SensiJayland.

I guess Arch, I'm so lazy I canna be arsed trimming 1oz, and looks like there's gonna bit more than that. Hoping to go perpetual in near future so makes sense to get this now.
That tent's looking great Jay, you're gonna have yourself some sweet buds in no time. That bowl trimmer is going to be a good investment with that amount of bud I think. I like to listen to a podcast or some nice music to make trimming more bearable. I'm trying to appreciate it more, to get in that zen mode but I still don't look forward to it. This song has been a classic harvest song for me.

That tent's looking great Jay, you're gonna have yourself some sweet buds in no time. That bowl trimmer is going to be a good investment with that amount of bud I think. I like to listen to a podcast or some nice music to make trimming more bearable. I'm trying to appreciate it more, to get in that zen mode but I still don't look forward to it. This song has been a classic harvest song for me.

Here is my go to trim song:
Jungle light off pics, opened up right side of the tent to show a different perspective:


SBx3 Day 62



