Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs

Ha ha thanks Hemi, i didn't intend the jungle comment as a brag, its overgrown and shouldn't have been allowed to get like this lol.

I think there are 2 key differences between run 1 & 2, 1 were started under an MH, so not as powerful. Plus run 1 were hand watered before easy2go was setup, whereas run 2 were always on easy2go plus had extra oxygenation with the bigger airpump being introduced before the stretch.

I recommend to all autopot users to increase their airpump size, lol. Look at these roots on SB10 in the rez, the black pipe is one of the 4 air curtains i got in there:


don't they say the "bigger the root the bigger the fruit"

Ha ha thanks Hemi, i didn't intend the jungle comment as a brag, its overgrown and shouldn't have been allowed to get like this lol.

I think there are 2 key differences between run 1 & 2, 1 were started under an MH, so not as powerful. Plus run 1 were hand watered before easy2go was setup, whereas run 2 were always on easy2go plus had extra oxygenation with the bigger airpump being introduced before the stretch.

I recommend to all autopot users to increase their airpump size, lol. Look at these roots on SB10 in the rez, the black pipe is one of the 4 air curtains i got in there:

View attachment 716006

don't they say the "bigger the root the bigger the fruit"

LOL, I was just teasing you and not about the comment, the pictures were enough for me. They are pretty.

As for the air pump, I am using a 45lpm with just two airdomes running, you do the math, it's a lot of air. My roots were so dense around and inside the dome last grow, I destroyed some of the blue tubing Autopot ships. That has now been replaced with rainbird irrigation tubing.
68F is an ideal temp for a res or dwc bucket. Pytium ( root rot ) usually occurs at temps over 72 degrees. When I was doing DWC, I used Refletixs insulation to wrap the buckets and res, reduced temp rise time considerable.

Good to have an AFN veteran aboard!
68F is an ideal temp for a res or dwc bucket. Pytium ( root rot ) usually occurs at temps over 72 degrees. When I was doing DWC, I used Refletixs insulation to wrap the buckets and res, reduced temp rise time considerable.

Thanks pops, I've just checked the temp it's 64f, I've not seen it any higher than 69 and I've tested it at various points during lights on.
LOL, I was just teasing you and not about the comment, the pictures were enough for me. They are pretty.

As for the air pump, I am using a 45lpm with just two airdomes running, you do the math, it's a lot of air. My roots were so dense around and inside the dome last grow, I destroyed some of the blue tubing Autopot ships. That has now been replaced with rainbird irrigation tubing.

I remember your recommendation on that. Yeah you're maxing out there by sounds of things, the pump I'm running now is only 20lt per minute.

I'm genuinely shocked by the size difference between run 1&2, hopefully don't grow too much taller or I'll be struggling for room. Lights have just come on , bulk looking a lot perkier.
So kind mate, thank you, I can't believe what I'm seeing in some ways, just took a pic for you, not full cola bottle size but gives you an idea:

View attachment 715991

Missed this mate! Yum bloody Yum! Thats firkin awesome mate :d5: :bow:

Fat and proper shiny :pass:
Best way I can describe it is dank; even with extractor fan on full there's still a lingering odour in the room. Doesn't make it downstairs to front door thankfully.

I was out of the house all day today for the first time in ages mate and when I came home and opened the front door it fuckin stank! Dank diesel from drying crack
I was out of the house all day today for the first time in ages mate and when I came home and opened the front door it fuckin stank! Dank diesel from drying crack

That's the killer time mate! Unless you have a disused groom you can chuck em in with an extractor fan, always stinks up the house during drying! Gotta love it in a way, but its hot for the pigs at the worse possible moment.