Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs

That's the killer time mate! Unless you have a disused groom you can chuck em in with an extractor fan, always stinks up the house during drying! Gotta love it in a way, but its hot for the pigs at the worse possible moment.

Absolutely brother. Not good. Luckily everyone round here is a pot head like me so could be anyone :smoking:
That's the killer time mate! Unless you have a disused groom you can chuck em in with an extractor fan, always stinks up the house during drying! Gotta love it in a way, but its hot for the pigs at the worse possible moment.

ya i love that time aswell ... luckily the draft normally goes from staircase into my appartment ... so i can stink up good and air pressure keeps smells inside :)


SB×3 day 66:

Bottom left, this has a musky rotten smell, looks like it has another week or so left as still chucking it white pistils.

Main cola:

Back left, this looks like the highest yielder and is coated in frost, so a win win, i have a suspicion this only needs days rather than weeks, lemon diesel best way I can describe its aroma:

Main cola:

Back right is more of a mix of the two, bud structure not as bulky as previous one but bulkier than front left, think this one is matter of days also:

Main cola:

Took tester buds from the bottom of each of them, gonna get then under the scope tomorrow, see if that helps guide me on harvest.

All good on these though, biotabs are a beautiful thing. :frog:
Day 48 run 2, SB10, no more stretch from this girl just going for the buds now, did some minor defol of some purple stemmed fans to let some light to the lowers, @hippy71 , counted 21 tops mate:


SB15, this girl got a heavy defol, no more stretch and way too many fans, they had to go, here she is after her trim:


The bulk seems to have adjusted to the light intensity and is bushing as best it can, looks to have stopped stretch also, this too had a number of fans removed and some yellowing leaves at the bottom:


Cheers to biotabs and autopots, a great combination! :greenthumb::pighug::worship::cheers: :woohoo1::cooldance::yay: