Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs

I think so too, remove the cause(the light) and you'll be good. This is why the water lines is always blue or black.... Lol

I also use reflective material on top of the pots, I had some 4 mm reflective rigid foam underfloor insulation laying about......perfect, easy to cut to size and reusable.
I have plenty pics , but I'm stuck in this verdammte hospital bed until at least tomorrow, so that'll have to wait...

It's similar to this
Didn't manage to sort the plastic cover today, just ran out of time due to work commitments, and dousing the girls with the nematodes to deal with these random fungus gnats. Also installed the hailea v20, even more bubbles!

Got everything nicely coated, hopefully that's the end for them, though I now want to wait for the top of the pots to dry out before covering them with the sheeting. algae hadn't progressed much further, so should be OK for few more days. The canopy covers a lot of the tray, and the girls seem unaffected, this would be a bigger problem in proper hydro I think.

Here's a closing shot, I super cropped main tops of SB run 2, had to tape it up as you can see on the right girl:

The mains on run 1 have recovered from their bending, I think this strain is one that will always try and do the ubiquitous sativa main cola thing. Though they're chunky mofos already couple of inches wide, and there's 24 days odd left at least.

I added more granules to the pots and 20ml of topmax to tray rez, this is my version of the bactrex in biotabs full pack, as that is beny bacteria and molasses. Only pushed up PPM a tad, and PH steady, so all good. Probably don't need to test for this, but just keeping...(bio) tabs.

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Awesome jay looking great jam packed tent my friend keep up the great work :thumbsup:

Thank you 2Stoned, means all the more coming from yourself friend, as were it not for you and a few of the other guys autopot journals, this grow would not have happened.

I know I'm gonna get laughed at for this by the bud purists, but I'd kept the lollipopped bottoms on the side, they'd dried out enough, so packed out the Volcano bowl with them...


I'm feeling very nicely toasted now, may end up harvesting these girls earlier than later as it's v euphoric, and I think I need more of this than stone.
I think so too, remove the cause(the light) and you'll be good. This is why the water lines is always blue or black.... Lol

I also use reflective material on top of the pots, I had some 4 mm reflective rigid foam underfloor insulation laying about......perfect, easy to cut to size and reusable.
I have plenty pics , but I'm stuck in this verdammte hospital bed until at least tomorrow, so that'll have to wait...

It's similar to this

Thanks Corgy, hope the hospital recovery is going well, and you're back in the groom asap.

Yeah that material looks like just the job, and yes it must be beneficial to get more reflectivety going at the bottom. I'm going to have a crack at getting a permanent cover going, as I really think this could work for me long term going on the performance so far...but need next 23 odd days need to go smoothly. I'm still thinking just cut to the autopots, but with this current way I think the roots can get more air, we shall see!
Thanks Corgy, hope the hospital recovery is going well, and you're back in the groom asap.

Yeah that material looks like just the job, and yes it must be beneficial to get more reflectivety going at the bottom. I'm going to have a crack at getting a permanent cover going, as I really think this could work for me long term going on the performance so far...but need next 23 odd days need to go smoothly. I'm still thinking just cut to the autopots, but with this current way I think the roots can get more air, we shall see!
I had to make a cover for a marine cooler DWC I made once and used 1 inch thick polystyrene (styrofoam) and wrapped it with aluminum duct tape to make it lightproof and reflective.
Looking absolutely stunning in your groom mate! Flipping heck man you've got a right old tent full now!! :d5: :pass: :hookah:

Have you tried any more little buds yet mate? :smoking:


On it right now dude, v impressed sativa-ry and uplifting with zero paranoia. Did mix in some of the dried fans too, so maybe not true representation of bud high!

Yeah I need to get back there asap, hopefully this eve/tomorrow to put cover on and see how crazy it's got, may have to do some defol and supercrop to keep it in shape.

Work, baby and OH keeping me away last few days lol
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