Iriee Vibez Grows With Loving Soil

Introduce EarthBox, Blueberry week 1 flower, GSC Fading
  • I transplanted the 2 Blue Toofs and 2 Strawberry Nuggets in Earthboxes yesterday at Day 10. The weather has been very amenable to outdoor cannabis cultivation in these parts and looks like it should stick around for a while! I want them to spend as much of their veg time as possible in their permanent home. These are smaller strains to begin with, so I want optimize our vegging time, and hopefully get another week of growth than what I have been getting inside.


    As a reminder, last month I filled these earthboxes, with BAS 3.0 organic soil mixed in with a cup of dry amendments and a cup of bokashi. I topped with more Bokashi and fish compost. I added a bunch of red wigglers in each box, and topped with some neem and Karanga meal for them to enjoy. I watered with tap water and bacterial innocuous, and I let all marinade and settle in for a month. The fungal activity is unreaL, and the soil is the perfect moisture level all the time. I think these boxes are gonna do some work some summer!


    Checking in one day later, they all appear to be loving life outdoors in their new space. After a droopy looking night they are opening up


    This one has always been the largest of the four, since day 1.



    She was the second to sprout but quickly became the runt. Her leaves were a little deformed and her growth was stunted compared to the others. Her roots were just as healthy as the others though. She looks to be doing okay in the soil. I hope she bounces back quickly



    The two blue toofs are pretty consistent in the middle. They are doing well at Day 11. The last time I grew them they were so small. They tasted so good though, I had to give them another go.




    Meanwhile, bank in the cabinet:

    The AutoBlueberry is really stretching now in her first week of flower. She has gone from small to medium in the last week. I am hoping she has some more stretch in her.


    And of course, the GSC is starting it’s fade and fattening up nicely. I am getting some nice cookie funk from her now.



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    GSC Pre Harvest
  • Day 68 - Autoseed Girl Scout Cookies
    Day 39 - DP AutoBlueberry
    Day 18 - Mephisto Blue Toof Special, Mephisto Strawberry Nuggets (Outdoor)

    Since the last update, I did a partial harvest of the GSC. I chopped the top of the main cola, and hung to dry. I also dropped some replacement seeds as neither of the two FastBuds Gorilla Glue sprouted. I got these seeds from a seed bank I don't usually use. It wasn't in breeders packs, and I have no idea how old they are. Out of the pack of seven though, I have tried to germ 6, and was successful only once. This batch of seeds has killed my pristine germ rate.

    I was starting a couple plants off for friends. I had my soil mixed and in pots for the past month, waiting for the weather to support outdoor growing here. I plan to start the plants, transplant them, and then give them the plants with instructions to just keep the soil moist. They are excited to try, and I am happy to help. I have some growers choice Gorilla glue seeds that I have been hesitant to grow again that I will use for them. I will personally use an Autoseeds gorilla Glue for myself this time. I will try my last FastBuds Gorilla glue seed some time in the future, as I don't have high confidence that it will do any better than the others in the pack.


    The pistils have retracted and changed colors, the trichs or all cloudy with a the slightest bit of amber, the leaves are fading, and her water intake has slowed in the past few days. She is ready, but I want a little more amber. I will chop by Friday, as I don't want her to start to lose any potency. The top of the main cola is still drying, but I cant wait to give it a taste! She smells scrumptious, with the trademark cookie sweetness and spice.

    Here are some pre harvest shots:
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    She continues to stretch and surprise. Where I thought she would be a runt when she started flowering at day 27. Less than two weeks into flowering, she has changed my mind. She has undergone w very nice stretch, but the nodes remain tightly spaced and filled with buds. She looks like she will stretch a little more, and the buds should stack to give a decent yield. That is unless I mess it up!

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    GSC Day 68, 39, 18 - 5.jpg


    These Earthboxes are almost set it and forget it at this stage in the grow. The plants aren't big enough to deplete the water reservoir, and is getting everything they need from the soil.

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    GSC Day 68, 39, 18 - 12.jpg

    Hope everyone is safe out there. Please practice social distancing and watch your hands often, while we get through this.

    Happy growing, folks!

    Blueberry Smoke Report
  • DP AutoBlueberry - Harvested at Day 61! (a record)
    Mephisto BlueToof Special and Strawberry Nuggets - Day 35 (Outdoor Earthboxes)
    Gorilla Glues (Fast Buds Autoseeds, and Growers Choice) - Day 14 (and Day 21)

    So, as its still Corona time, I have been keeping balanced and sane by spending a lot of time with my plants (also smoking the hell out of them!). I usually don't get to spend a lot of time with my plants, and travel quite a bot for work. Since I am working remotely with no travel, I am able to try some things that I would never had before. For instance, instead of culling a couple of runts, I decided to go ahead and leave them in the solo cups to let them do what they can. Normally there is no way, I could ever think of being able to daily, much less twice a day. Since I am poking around at the plants several times a day anyway, I figured why not! Its another fun challenge, as I haven't done that before.

    I harvested the AutoBlueberry at Day 61. It was the earliest I have ever harvested a plant, but the pistils and trichomes were ready. She was a pretty good yielder, but I didn't weigh her because I did a partial harvest and smoked quite a bit before the rest was ready. I would guess that she finished between 3 and 4 ounces though. I did a dry trim after using the myherbsnow dryer for the second time. I love this thin, as it works perfectly for my one plant harvests. My garage is rarely optimal for drying, and with my perpetual growing style, may cabinet doesn't work either. I had been drying in paper bags, but found the weed dried with the machine to be much better tasting and smelling right out the gate.

    Blueberry Dry Trim - 1.jpg

    The buds were super dense and sticky with a nice sweet funky blueberry scent. The smoke tasted as good as it smelled, and gave me a nice warm chill feeling. In the day, I still have energy to everything, and in fact, I found it kind of energetic if you don't smoke too much. At night. it is super relaxing to enjoy a movie or some tunes, and zone out. This is some good tasting smooth making stuff, and is now my favorite Dutch Passion strain so far. I liked it so much that I put another directly in the pot I harvested this one from!

    Outdoor Earthboxes

    This has got to be the easiest method of growing that I have ever seen. You fill up the pot, add some top dressing, fill up the reservoir with tap water, and leave it alone. I literally have had to add water once since they have have bee growing. The soil is perfectly moist, and the plants are loving it.

    First up the Strawberry Nuggets.

    I clearly have two different phones going now. The big plant has wide pointy leaves, while the smaller girl has small almost rounded leaves. They just completed the first week of flowering, so I top dressed and added a nice compost tea today. That should take them through harvest nicely. I would say 4 more weeks at the rate they are going.


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    EB Day 36, Day 21, Day 14s  - 15.jpg

    Next the BlueToofs:


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    EB Day 36, Day 21, Day 14s  - 18.jpg


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    EB Day 36, Day 21, Day 14s  - 26.jpg

    I grew these small auto strains mainly as a practice run for my summer photo run. I didn't expect much with the short days in April and May. They look like they will be exceeding my expectations, which is always nice. When they are done, they will be replaced in the Earthboxes by:

    HSO Green Crack
    HSO Blue Dream
    RQS Honey Cream
    Riserva Priveda Strawberry Banana

    This is a dream photo lineup of plants that I have purchased over the years, but have never grown. these are plants that I have either personally enjoyed or have always looked forward to enjoying. They should be replacing the Mephisto in the Earthboxes by mid June, and will go through the summer and early fall for September and October harvests. My mouth is watering just thinking about this lineup!


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    Solo Cup Trouble
  • I got into a little trouble with the solo cups. I have gotten into the habit of checking ph and ppm and those things since I switched to organic soil growing. While I grew out my organic soil plants, I used the same strategy with the solo cups, while feeding MegaCrop. They were great for a while, but this past week, I have been correcting some nutrient burn, and some other stuff. It is a bit easier to correct course with these small cups, but I still am winging it a bit. My next attempt with solo cups will be to try an all organic soil grow with just top dresses, teas, and water instead of nutes.

    Grower's Choice Glue Day 46 had some nute burn and what looks like some nutrient lock out due to ph. She has been steadying the last couple days, but isn't the prettiest thing.

    ASGG 41 DPBB 25 - 1.jpg

    FastBuds Glue Day 41 had less of a nutrient burn issue, but did have some nute lock out, and is also more stressed by the high temps we have had. She wont win any beauty contests either! Man, solo cups sure are finicky!

    ASGG 41 DPBB 25 - 2.jpg

    For comparison, here is the Autoseeds Gorilla Glue Day 41. Loving the organic soil. I am really appreciating the ease of organic soil growing more and more, as this solo cup experiment continues.

    ASGG 41 DPBB 25 - 4.jpg
    Featuring DP AutoBlueberry
  • I'd also back the Honey Cream!! RQS are a great seedbank, I wouldn't know what to expect from their fast flowering strains though.

    Gorilla Glue is looking a picture there by the way, can't believe you can get such growth in a solo cup :wiz:

    Hey Faux! That decides it for me. Thanks man. I just love that name and the description for the strain. I am going to soak the four seeds in some holy water tomorrow! I haven't been this excited for a grow for a while!

    Thanks on the solo cups. They do dry out quick, so the trick is to water or feed twice a day. That would be hard if I wasn't still working from home due to lockdown.
    Blueberry Comparison
  • This update will be focused on the Dutch Passion AutoBlueberry. It is on Day 28 now, and is already taller than the Autoseeds Gorilla Glue that is on Day 43 in the tent. before this Blueberry, that plant was the tallest and will probably be my highest yielder since I switched to organic growing. I am so impressed with her early and strong growth that I decided to check on where my last Blueberry was at Day 28. Here she is:

    Blueberry Comp - 2.jpg

    I remember being disappointed that she started flowering at Day 26, being so short. She surprisingly turned out great. Giving me about 2.5 ounces of some amazing weed.

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    Blueberry Comp 2 - 1.jpg

    I loved the weed so much, that I didn't think twice in putting another seed from the pack directly in the soil in the same pot I harvested her from. I amended with some compost and dry amendments, and would have been very happy with the exact same results.

    I am excited to see what this one will look like. Of course, I have to make sure she is all she can be during flower, but I am thinking she will one day surpass her seed pack mate!

    Here she is at Day 28. Great height and she has the internodal spacing to stack like her sister did. It's a good thing too, as my Blueberry jar is in grave need of a refill.

    Blueberry Comp - 1.jpg
    Outdoor update
  • Outdoor Photo Update

    HSO Green Crack - 23 days
    HSO Blue Dream - 23 days
    RQS Honey Cream - 23 days
    DP Auto Blueberry - 1days
    Riserva Priveda Strawberry Banana - 10 days

    I had to slightly adjust my outdoor photo plan after two Strawberry Banana seeds failed to germinate. So, I transplanted the three plants on schedule two weeks ago. They have settled into their potsnatter a rough transplant. Most of the lower leaves were damaged as I struggled with the plastic shower caps for the earthboxes. First from planting, and then again trying to seal the slots. Next time, I have to -lan that better. Oh well, they have bounced back and new growth looks good.

    I topped each of the three, and started some LST. I want them to grow low and bushy, at least as much as possible because two are sativas. I will let the Strawberry Banana stay inside for another week or so to make sure she is strong enough to handle the transplant and outdoor conditions.

    Green Crack handled the transplant the best and is taking well to the training. The leaves look a little indieto me for such a saturated strain. Gonna be fun watching her.

    Blue Dream has those classic saliva leaves and wants to reach and stretch already. Her bottom leaves took a beating, but she is settling in and doing well now.

    Honey Cream is also looking good, with the exception of the first leaves. The shower cap snapped back and bent her over during the transplant and I thought I lost her. She has bounced back now, and waiting for her EarthBox roommate to come out and play.

    Auto Blueberry is doing well in a speared 3 gallon pot. I love this strain so much that I decided to get a quick run, and first time growing it outside. It has consistently been a sub 70 day strain inside for me.

    Strawberry Banana is finally making an appearance. On day 10, she is a bit stretchy. I want the stem to thicken up before going outside. It gets pretty windy out there, and she has too lanky a structure right now.
    Solo Cup Day 23
  • Organic Soil Solo Cup Experiment

    I thought I would give a quick update on the how I am doing with the challenge of growing a cannabis plant in a solo cup with living organic soil. I planted two Mephisto seeds. The Sour Livers was planted directly in my Iriee soil, and Sweet and Sour was given a little buffer pocket. I culled the Sour Livers after the first week when it was clear the soil was too hot for her. I seemed the hit the sweet spot for the sweet n sour, though. for the first three weeks, I did nothing but water with recharge added.

    I gave her a foliar feeding of fish enhanced water yesterday. And today, I top dressed the cup with a micro dose a lot of good organic dry amendments. These should become usable when the plant starts to flower in a week or so. I will give a foliar feed each week, and maybe top dress some P heavy bat guano in a couple weeks. That is my plan. Let's she if she remains amenable to it. @St. Tom @arty zan @hecno

    Mephisto Sweet N Sour Day 23
    Sweet n Sour Day 23 - 1.jpg
    Sweet n Sour Day 23 - 2.jpg

    I want to also introduce you to the latest arrival. I am excited to grow and try Gorilla Zkittlez from Barneys Farm. 24% THC and tasty. It is off an running at Day 3.

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    And, I am doing another experiment. True No-till in a 3 gallon pot! I harvested the Blueberry a couple days ago, left the root and everything in tact, and planted an Auto Zkittlez by Black Skull. They say it's impossible. I say... let me give it a go!
    Sweet n Sour Day 23 - 4.jpg
    New Additions
  • I want to announce two new additions to the cabinet. All first time grows for me, which is always exciting for me.

    Dinafem Cookies Auto - Day 2 - I am going to leave this one in the solo cup, so I will have two in cups. Since the Sweet N Sour is going so well with the Iriee soil with a small pocket of potting soil for a seed starter, I did the same for this plant. @St. Tom did such a great solo grow with this strain that I had to try. I have heard some great things about Cookies and really looking forward to trying.
    Sweet n Sour Day 26 - 3.jpg

    Black Skull Seeds Zkittlez - Day 1 - This is a new breeder for me to try. I love the strain, and this breeder's version had some great reviews. growers are raving about the taste and strength of this strain. It doesn't hurt that their seeds are about half the price of smilier breeders. She is in a 3 gallon pot, a true no till grow. I harvested the AutoBueberry and planted right next to the stem.
    Sweet n Sour Day 26 - 4.jpg

    Barney's Farm Gorilla Zkittlez - Day 6 is a strain I have been wanting to grow for a while. It is a potent and tasty mix of Gorilla Glue and Zkittlez, two of my favorite strains. THC tested at over 24% for this plant!

    Sweet n Sour Day 26 - 5.jpg
    Mid flower EarthBox
  • Last year taught me a valuable lesson when I harvested my large outdoor colas and saw a third of them destroyed by cabbage loopers.I am ready for the cabbage loopers this year. I am checking each cola everyday, and I spray regularly with BT. I personally removed four of those little bastards from the plants. They didn’t eat too much, as their eyes weren’t bloodshot. I checked!

    Apart from that, they are all flowering, so I gave them what should be the last top dress with suped up compost. The Honey Cream is massive and is true to the breeders promise as a fast finisher. I am happy with the growth of the Strawberry Banana, s(nice I had germ issues and planted her almost three weeks after the others. She just started flowering last week... I guess she knew she could use the additional growth. The HSO sativas, Green Crack and Blue Dream, are finishing their stretch now and are at the perfect height for me.

    I am really happy with the ease of this grow. It’s been a pleasure to watch these beauties do their thing in my little slice of nature. I wish I could grow outdoors all the time!

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