Iriee Vibez Grows With Loving Soil

Can you link me to your diary?

My link is in my signature right below. But I am a total newbie into cannabis growing... and even gardening in general haha so don't expect to learn much from me :D but actually @Iriee Vibez and a few other guys are giving me great advices there so you could learn something from them!
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My link is in my signature right below. But I am a total newbie into cannabis growing... and even gardening in general haha so don't expect to learn much from me :D but actually @Iriee Vibez and a few other guys are giving me great advices there so you could learn something from them actually!

a very well read and researched newbie!
Organic can be the easiest or most complicated thing and the biggest reason I see is putting together all kinds of stuff with little understanding creates problems people will add guano and let's just say rock phosphate which is the same thing to the plant it can also cause deficiency/toxicity bc 1 ratio is way high. iriee vibes does a great job especially coming from dwc I'm glad to hear ur night queen cured well as that could have gone either way and it really suxs when u put in all the effort and it doesn't hit the mark sort speak, super excited to see the outdoor earth boxes I almost bought one last yr for indoor but decided to wait as that would take up 1 of my full areas anyhow sending good karma and vibes to all and happy Easter everyone.
Organic can be the easiest or most complicated thing and the biggest reason I see is putting together all kinds of stuff with little understanding creates problems people will add guano and let's just say rock phosphate which is the same thing to the plant it can also cause deficiency/toxicity bc 1 ratio is way high. iriee vibes does a great job especially coming from dwc I'm glad to hear ur night queen cured well as that could have gone either way and it really suxs when u put in all the effort and it doesn't hit the mark sort speak, super excited to see the outdoor earth boxes I almost bought one last yr for indoor but decided to wait as that would take up 1 of my full areas anyhow sending good karma and vibes to all and happy Easter everyone.

Happy Easter to you, Fitz! I agree, and think organic growers , like all other weed growing styles, always do better following the less is more philosophy. Easier to add something, than get it out of there! I am learning organic growing each day, and really dig it (no pun). It just feels right.

yeah, I would love to use an EarthBox inside, but it won’t even fit in my 2x2 cabinet. I am looking forward to using them, as it further simplifies and improves LOS. Having the soil at a constant moisture level with the bacterial and fungal activity optimized should do wonders. And organic growing is one thing, but organic growing in the sun. Damn! I can’t wait to taste those buds!
Guy I have been on site for a while now and I am seeing a trend towards organic, -- a lot of it not good -- mostly since a lot of the states in the USA have become legal . Seems to be buy x brand of soil and x brand of nutrients , all organic , buy some seeds , Hay cobbers I am a organic grower . most of you will understand what I am saying ,
Iriee Vibez
I really enjoy your thread . :cooldance: :thumbsup:
Guy I have been on site for a while now and I am seeing a trend towards organic, -- a lot of it not good -- mostly since a lot of the states in the USA have become legal . Seems to be buy x brand of soil and x brand of nutrients , all organic , buy some seeds , Hay cobbers I am a organic grower . most of you will understand what I am saying ,
Iriee Vibez
I really enjoy your thread . :cooldance: :thumbsup:

So true, Hecno. I was one of those guys, Lol! But I am quickly learning how much I didn’t know! I now want to be my best organic growing self! I still am taking notes from what you are doing down under, man!
So true, Hecno. I was one of those guys, Lol! But I am quickly learning how much I didn’t know! I now want to be my best organic growing self! I still am taking notes from what you are doing down under, man!
I agree I'm slowly making my own organic soil from scratch and there are alot of things to learn for sure that is wats cool about them there are varying degrees while still being organic and as easy or difficult as u would like it I switched when I saw others like both you iree and henco aswell as others (trich farmer) get better quality I then sought out some local and was sold ownly recently have I switched and already like it much more. And iree did u mention the exact soil ect that I will be using in the earth boxes I'm interested as I'm looking to do some side by side grows with a few mixes and yours do well so just wondering if u don't mind sharing.
I agree I'm slowly making my own organic soil from scratch and there are alot of things to learn for sure that is wats cool about them there are varying degrees while still being organic and as easy or difficult as u would like it I switched when I saw others like both you iree and henco aswell as others (trich farmer) get better quality I then sought out some local and was sold ownly recently have I switched and already like it much more. And iree did u mention the exact soil ect that I will be using in the earth boxes I'm interested as I'm looking to do some side by side grows with a few mixes and yours do well so just wondering if u don't mind sharing.

Of course, Fitz! I am honored that you would ask. After trying several others, I now use BAS 3.0 living organic soil from Build A soil. I top dress with their craft blend which is a mixture of a few dry amendments, and topdress or compost tea with their Oly Mountain Fish compost. As you can see, I am a big fan of BAS doing my initial soil mixing and composting for me.
Introduce EarthBox, Blueberry week 1 flower, GSC Fading
I transplanted the 2 Blue Toofs and 2 Strawberry Nuggets in Earthboxes yesterday at Day 10. The weather has been very amenable to outdoor cannabis cultivation in these parts and looks like it should stick around for a while! I want them to spend as much of their veg time as possible in their permanent home. These are smaller strains to begin with, so I want optimize our vegging time, and hopefully get another week of growth than what I have been getting inside.


As a reminder, last month I filled these earthboxes, with BAS 3.0 organic soil mixed in with a cup of dry amendments and a cup of bokashi. I topped with more Bokashi and fish compost. I added a bunch of red wigglers in each box, and topped with some neem and Karanga meal for them to enjoy. I watered with tap water and bacterial innocuous, and I let all marinade and settle in for a month. The fungal activity is unreaL, and the soil is the perfect moisture level all the time. I think these boxes are gonna do some work some summer!


Checking in one day later, they all appear to be loving life outdoors in their new space. After a droopy looking night they are opening up


This one has always been the largest of the four, since day 1.



She was the second to sprout but quickly became the runt. Her leaves were a little deformed and her growth was stunted compared to the others. Her roots were just as healthy as the others though. She looks to be doing okay in the soil. I hope she bounces back quickly



The two blue toofs are pretty consistent in the middle. They are doing well at Day 11. The last time I grew them they were so small. They tasted so good though, I had to give them another go.




Meanwhile, bank in the cabinet:

The AutoBlueberry is really stretching now in her first week of flower. She has gone from small to medium in the last week. I am hoping she has some more stretch in her.


And of course, the GSC is starting it’s fade and fattening up nicely. I am getting some nice cookie funk from her now.



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Day 64 - Autoseed Girl Scout Cookies
Day 35 - DP AutoBlueberry

After the top dressing last week, I have been just watering with plain water. Both plants are drinking alot, even the GSC at this late stage of flowering.


The GSC is nearly done, and the top cola is already there. I think I will do a partial harvest again, taking the top cola this weekend, and letting the rest go for a few more days. Nice sweet funk coming from her. I can definitely get the traditional cookie aroma.

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Auto Blueberry

I am really happy with how this girl has developed since she started flowering a week ago. She has stretched quite a bit over the past week, and I am hoping that continues. If this plant waited another week until flowering, it would be a terrific yielder. At this point, I am hoping for just decent. She does look like she wants to produce a lot of buds, so it's all about how they grow. I am really excited about trying this weed. I have been waiting to grow this strain for a bit.

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Outdoor Earthboxes are so easy to work with. With the pants being so small, I haven't had to water or do anything. The soil is the perfect moisture content, with healthy mycelium growing under the shower cap. Plants seem to be enjoying the soil in their new homes.

Strawberry Nuggets 1
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Strawberry Nuggets 2
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BlueToof 1 was camera shy (I took a pic, but when I got a good look it was blurry)

BlueToof 2

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I am also growing some sugar cane in a separate Earthbox. Why not?

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Cheers weed growers! Keep safe and wash your hands often!
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