Day 5……


Growing with the peat base in the Plagron have you had any PH issues as it breaks down?

Been using Plagron light for a while now Hank, and to date i've had no issues with it. :thumbsup:

Day 6….. Later today they will get their first watering & feed of Fish-Mix at 1ml/L, as i use organic nutes this will not be available to the plants for around three days until it is broken down in the soil. Added a small top dressing of soil….time to get the canes prepared. Have a great weekend everyone.


So they got their first feed….2L in each pot, not much run off, safe to say they needed it. they are all looking very healthy, being a bit of a dumbass i forgot to get Epsom Salts…they usually get ¼ tsp per feed…oh well next time… Going to get my shades on grab the camera and try to get some half decent macros….meanwhile here's couple of shots of them after dinner….. nodes starting to separate. Click on the pics to admire their little hairs.


Whats the epsom salts for?
Im just about to start some AutoNightQueen :smoking:

I use it as a preventative measure against magnesium deficiency… It's Magnesium sulphate..can be bought at any chemist/pharmacy/drug store…… very cheap and goes a long way.

Good luck with the Night Queen

This one's for the photo geeks…. I'm sure there are one or two around, or perhaps it's just me. I have two macro settings on my camera one i can use with the flash the other i can't… This first image is with the flash and a very high shutter speed, I can only get so close to the plants to take a shot, if i get too close the flash just shots across the plant rather than on it, but the advantage is you don't get the discolouring from the HPS (all the pics i take are under HPS) .


The next shots are taken with the second setting without the flash, hence the discolouration, but i can get so much closer to the plants, so much so that they are touching the lens, but because there is no flash i have to adjust the shutter speed to a slower speed, but when you click on these images it's a whole new world of detail. I get to see things i couldn't possibly see with the naked eye. Then i ask myself the question is that resin glands the plant is producing already for protection or is it the plant transpiring? Who cares really? it looks cool as…...


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Looking bang on track mate, those photos are f***in insane, detail on that second pic is mind blowing.

Looking forward to seeing the rest of the grow and the trich details from that camera later down the road.

Happy growing ;)
Great pics Hazy those close-ups look amazing. :cool1:
What kind of camera and lenses do you use? Been thinking about getting a decent macro lens for my Canon...

Also have you tried messing around with the custom white balance setting on your camera? Should be able to get natural looking colour even without the flash... if you need any tips let me know.
Great pics Hazy those close-ups look amazing. :cool1:
What kind of camera and lenses do you use? Been thinking about getting a decent macro lens for my Canon...

Also have you tried messing around with the custom white balance setting on your camera? Should be able to get natural looking colour even without the flash... if you need any tips let me know.

It's still the same FujiFilm FinePix S1730 that i've always used …. thanks for jogging my memory for me, i don;t know if you remember but at the beginning all my pics were like this.


That had that weird purple colour to them , that was due to setting the custom white balance and then using the flash under HPS.
Now i set the camera to the tungsten setting and use the flash to get almost perfect colour. Like this


Here is where i :kissass:… You have just jogged my memory my good friend… when i've been taking the ultra close up macros in this grow, i've been forgetting to use the custom white balance as i used to…thanks for that…really it makes a huge difference the colour should be more like this


Instead of the discolouration on the pics in the above post….. so thanks to you, everyone is going to be subjected to more pics today…i'm going to have to slap you for it though.