Day 3…..

Yep rest / dark time has been beaten into us but maybe autos really run better24/0....? Im going 20/4 on my current but ive got photos vegging too. Very excited to hear of auto night queen!

Hey Prez good to see you here….. I think we are all learning so many new things about Autos… and the more people challenge the old wisdom, i think the more we all learn…. Macro of Day 3 second leaf set forming …

Hope you don't mind me popping in for a peek mate.....

24/0 is good, I veg mine at 24/0 dropping down gradually to 20/4 during flowering.

All the very best of growing karma to you Bro :thumbsup:

Sounds like a good call… as Grim pointed out, no point burning out a perfectly good working ballast. If i had the room to put two lights in i could possibly run each for 12 hours…but alas the space is too small.
Day 4…..


What is in your soil mix?
I see the fish mix, what rates are you starting at and when?

Hey hank, the soil is Plagron light, been using it for a few years now in combination with Biobizz nutes and i love the results i get from it, as for feeding i have quite a simple regime. it goes something like this.

my feeding guide, using Fish Mix and Bloom. in plagron light 6-8 days after germination 1ml Fish-Mix then next feed 2ml next 3ml, they should show sex around day 15-20, you must pay attention to this because this will tell you when to introduce bloom nutes, becuse the switch should be made around 10 days after showing sex. So we're about day 25, now it's 1.5ml Fish-Mix and 3ml Bloom. then a couple of feeds later 1.5ml Fish-Mix 4ml Bloom. then toward the end to give a pk boost i drop the Fish-Mix to 1ml and increase the Bloom to 5ml...if you follow these guidelines you should be bringing your plants in on the advertised times, usually 70-75 days.

The other thing i failed to mention was when i feed…… as soon as the needle on the meter gets halfway that's when i hit them, the reason for not letting them dry out too much is because i'm using organic nutes and i want to keep my micro herd healthy and active.
