Indoor GO BOX vs advanced nutrients

Do you think advanced nutrients fed plant will grow twice the size as a GO BOX fed plant

  • yes it will be twice the size

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • No it will be a quarter the size bigger

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • they will both be very close in size

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Smellier that is for sure A-Train but it is a fraction the cost of A/N and still producing some plants that are a 1/4 smaller than the A/N fed ones so far But Iam pushing the GO box nutes to the plants burnt tips a bit They are impressive for sure the GO box plants
The one I accidently knocked the top off of is producing some fat nugs for sure and is bigger then the two other go fed plants. I will have to take a better look they might be smaller in size the go fed plants but bigger in bud structure on at least one of them. But now that I am feeding overdrive and terpinator the A/N fed plants should explode by all rights
A totally different structure to the bud up close for sure. Imo the A/N will blow the GO box away when it comes to final weight. But that being said I do believe with a great flush the GO fed plants will be tastier and more of I want to smoke that before anything else shit. If that makes sense if I am right on the taste I will be using GO for my personal high end bring it out on special occasion weed. Which in my case is everyday lmao Man I get ripped off of cookies some one is going to have to hide the cookie jar on me
As this moves along I am getting more and more blown away with the General organics line up. Right up front they are not as big as the two A/N fed plants but not that far behind I will have a proper picture update of both plants with in the next two days. I wish I never hit the top off the one G.O. fed plant what a monster. The G.O. is great food so far IMO and for the price well worth it. I am going to try some 24 C against A/N I think there will be next to no difference. Why ? 24C is a Fast small but huge around buds I think G.O. would be great for those indicas and I have a feeling the weight size will not be much different. We will find out in the near future. A 4X8 I can grow a lot of 24 C in 2 gallon pots G.O. is so inexpensive it would be perfect for a 24 c of green 40 or so plants. When you start making cana butter it takes a lot of herbs
Due to my grow set up I can not take the A/N fed plants out with out harming them putting them back and do not want to hurt the G.O. plants either for that matter I need to make changes to take pics I designed my grow area wrong it is super hard to get bigger plants out and I am tired of PINK pics. I am blown away with the G.O. it is producing huge plants and strong plants they are holding the weight of the bud. They generally look healthier than the A/N fed plants they will be done soon I will take side by side pics and it will be very interesting to see the difference. Once again sorry about the lack of pics but the A/N fed plants are tied up and are kind of fragile but huge
I changed my mind here is some pink pics the first two are AN fed plants
and the last three are GO fed plants