Indoor GG's Giant Greens

I love meeting folks who share a love of science!!! Always learning and always building on the knowledge base!!!! I'll admit, I'm more trained in the human-physiology, than in plant biology, but a lot of the systems function similarly; just use different chemicals!!!

Life is an amazing thing!!!!
I love meeting folks who share a love of science!!! Always learning and always building on the knowledge base!!!! I'll admit, I'm more trained in the human-physiology, than in plant biology, but a lot of the systems function similarly; just use different chemicals!!!

Life is an amazing thing!!!!
So true the fascinating science of life. Saw some videos of a guy I think harley smith he love the science as well and breaks it down completely . If I had not seen that I would have been like what did you say in your previous post. But when you begin understanding the inner workings nothing can hold you back.

"carpe diem"
Water bucket cam!!!

I don't have time to post much this week. I just topped the plant, and am changing nutes tonight. I'll get a pic or two later.

So true the fascinating science of life. Saw some videos of a guy I think harley smith he love the science as well and breaks it down completely . If I had not seen that I would have been like what did you say in your previous post. But when you begin understanding the inner workings nothing can hold you back.

"carpe diem"

absolutely! When you get the fine details of enough things together, and step back to see the systems inter-relations, you are on your way to sustainable creator status. With enough practical application, you have earned wisdom. Experiential application of detailed systems knowledge is wisdom.
I added in some Green Planet Nutes, and technaflora Root 66.

I have her bent almost horizontal, didn't measure but she's about 16 inches horizontally now (6-8 inch vertical.) The initial nodes are getting either super crop or LST. This is fun stuff. @Renaissance Redneck is this what yo9u had in mind for Xtreme training?

I love it when a plan comes together. This little NL is looking extraordinarily healthy, and she is growing fast now.

I added a Mars 300 because she has started to escape the light coverage area of the single viparpectra light. I am hoping the angled light will help it keep stretching wider, she has a couple feet left to go before I let her grow vertically. So far I have been able to manage the canopy evenly by supercropping, and bending the vertical shoots. I think I've almost gone through a whole pack of zip ties with this plant.

what a huge change from the last pics. She flowered since I was last here.

She sure is a looker. I think she likes the Green Planet nutes. I can't imagine a healthier plant, and not as large as I had hoped, but it may allow me to grow two of these next round. That ought to be fun.

Stretch Baby Stretch!

