Indoor GG's Giant Greens

#'s 3 & 4 were indeed male. They dead now, but gave me some good idea of what will fit in my space, and how things are responding in the brand new setup. What kills my plants only makes me stronger. 1&2 are indeed female, and split them each into their own rez.. 2 for 4 on females. 50% is the rule of thumb. I buried a Kripple Roulette in rockwool this morning, they usually take 3-4 days to pop.. See ya l8r little lady, sweet dreams.

Thats a pretty decent ratio, and id take that on a 4 bean crack on regs. I have seen higher ratios in the past but they were flukes i believe. Part of me wishes that you kept that large male alive, at least to harvest some pollen on him. However that is the breeder in me. I have an issue just growing one plant per pot, i always want to do one per pot but then my germ rates surprise me and i dont have the heart to not let something grow that has started life.

The are looking good and given the size that they are and the time that they took to sex, they should be some producers. They will probaly take closer to 90 than 75 with this too, also something that i wanted. Get them more the size of reg plants just not have the grower depend on the light cycle. Easy to grow potent canna with minimal work.

Ill actually be following up this grow and starting up at the end of the month. itll be a 5x5 grow. 5 pure ALF [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG] and 5 Pure Roxi as they need to be taken to the next generation. That will put ALF at F4 and Roxi at F5.

You have done stellar with them as i knew that you wold and seems that you are getting the kinks out of the new grow area. Job well done mate and also want to let you know id give you more rep but i cant...says i need to share the love lol.....if only i knew a guy that worked on that site shit....
Alf5 de yaihi'l duplex, te Mando al'verde be cannabis breeding fame bal kote, ibic cuyir gar parjai laar

that is from the online Mandalorian translator.

Alf5 by full duplex, the Mandalorian Commander of cannabis breeding fame and glory, this is your victory song.

don't ask me why, insanity comes to me naturally. I find obscure linguistics almost as fascinating as black colored bud. I hope mine turns out dark.
This made me crack up and also lets me know that i could meet up with you and have a beer.
This made me crack up and also lets me know that i could meet up with you and have a beer.
I think I got lost in a cosplay moment. that quote sounds straight out the video game I play (SWTOR). I'm not really playing as much as I used to, but I spent many hours chatting with droids and Mandos.

They look good this morning, I topped off the rez and I'm triple checking pH for the day. Tucking fans out of the way etc. They are drinking a lot for little guys, I have added at least 10 gallons this week. This should keep them for a while though. I hope they stay in veg for another week or two.

I ran out of hydro fuel grow. oops.
Product Total
Hydro Fuel Grow A/B - 1 Litre × 1 $27.98
Root Builder - 1 Litre × 1 $29.99
Green Planet Nutrients Medi Kit × 1 $34.99
Subtotal: $92.96 US + shipping

152.00 Canadian,
125.00 US shipped


That price....:dizzy:

Ill do some reading on that stuff, i just have a hard time paying that much for nutrients. Id be curious to see what the major differences are in what i use and that kit that you listed.

If that is what you are already using then i see why.

Anyway, looking forward to the next photo op to see what those ladies do for you and to see if you get some color like i get. The last testers from the same generation had colored buds too, but a color none of us have seen before, chocolate brown...pretty on the plant no so much after the dry.
The root booster is for my veggie starts in February and I want to try it with rooting/grafting Japanese Maples too

. I chose green planet and decided I would pay up for it. Two reasons, they support legalization in the real world, with money as well as time. And second, the nutes leave very little residue, and are pH perfection. Very stable and it sets my water to the right pH every time. Foxfarm left all kinds of residue, and clogged drip lines in a few months. It's cheaper than Remo and Advanced and similar quality.

The base nutes alone are around $60, I have gone through a liter of grow A&B in two rounds with my system, but thankfully I have a good amount of Bloom A&B left, it lasts longer.I've been using FoxFarm additives, I was gifted with the three part set; Open Sesame, Beastie Blooms, and ChaChing. I think they run about 80. I really wanted to try the GP additives though, and I will keep the little medione base nute bottle for backup base nutes. That frees up the last of foxfarm I will ever buy for veggies.
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looking forward to the next photo op to see what those ladies do

and ye shall receive. When I turn off the 600 and tilt the 250 the light is easier to deal with for my camera. big time.

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The root booster is for my veggie starts in February and I want to try it with rooting/grafting Japanese Maples too

. I chose green planet and decided I would pay up for it. Two reasons, they support legalization in the real world, with money as well as time. And second, the nutes leave very little residue, and are pH perfection. Very stable and it sets my water to the right pH every time. Foxfarm left all kinds of residue, and clogged drip lines in a few months. It's cheaper than Remo and Advanced and similar quality.

The base nutes alone are around $60, I have gone through a liter of grow A&B in two rounds with my system, but thankfully I have a good amount of Bloom A&B left, it lasts longer.I've been using FoxFarm additives, I was gifted with the three part set; Open Sesame, Beastie Blooms, and ChaChing. I think they run about 80. I really wanted to try the GP additives though, and I will keep the little medione base nute bottle for backup base nutes. That frees up the last of foxfarm I will ever buy for veggies.

I have to agree with you on the FF gear. I do like it but my god at the build up. In my last run i used 1 cubic foot grow bags and after the run was over you could see the residue on the bags. White scaly salt look honestly, I wonder if there is a major difference between the hydro and the soil versions of the products. Ive used hydro in soil and had great results almost wan to try it again to see if it wuld be less of a salt build up.

The ladies look great and the larger one may give you quite the main cola...
I'm taking a moment to review a pH meter.

View attachment 796199 View attachment 796200

Firstly, here are the three I have tried so far. The yellow no name one was first, it was screw calibration, and it stopped functioning properly within a month. The second one up was purple and cost 15$ US, it was a constant nightmare to adjust pH with it. It proved to be off by more than 1 pH consistently. The third one is the Apera pH meter. It rocks my world, but cost 60$ US on Amazon.

View attachment 796201

I had a hard time believing how far off I had been with pH previous to using this meter. I checked calibration on both the purple one and the Apera several times. I had been operating a whole point or up to 2 points off and it was no wonder I had so much trouble. For the three months or so I have been using this meter I have had zero problems with pH related, or nutrient related problems. My plants are now growing faster and larger. Thanks to the Apera meter. It runs on rechargeable aaa batteries, and temperature compensation. It comes in a hard case with it's own calibration solutions. The calibration solution bottles are sized so you can just stick the meter in without having to pour it or measure it. It easily calibrated with a few button pushes, and has remained accurate since. I rinse it after every use, and fill the cap with water for storage. I am so confident in it that I can now leave for a day or three without worrying about the reservoir.


Brand: Apera Instruments
Model: PH20

Simply the most reliable pocket pH tester with the best value for all kinds of routine testing, such as tap water/drinking water testing, agriculture, aquaculture, swimming pool, education, etc. The Apera Instruments PH20 Value pH Tester Kit simply provides reliable and quick pH measurements for most regular water solutions' pH testing, such as hydroponics, pools and spas, homebrewing, winemaking, education, water treatment, cooling towers, etc.

Intelligent Functions
Auto recognition and reminders of stable values improves consistency, saving you the trouble of guessing when to manually hold measurement. Its built-in Self-diagnosis function gives reminders of out-of-range measurement and incorrect calibrations.

  • An ultra clear 180˚ viewing angle screen with temp./pH value dual display and indications of completed auto calibrations and stable readings.
  • Complete kit with calibration solutions (4.00 and 7.00), AAA batteries, and a lanyard all in a rugged carrying case.
  • 1-3 points auto calibration and 0 to 50˚C auto temp. compensation, ±0.1 accuracy with 0 to 14.0 pH measuring range
  • Self-diagnosis with out-of -range warning and incorrect calibration warning.
  • IP67 Water-proof and dust-proof, floats on water so no need to worry if you drop it in the water by accident.
  • Longest 400 hours' continuous operation powered by AAA batteries (with low power warning and auto power off in 8 min if no operation).

Meter’s Technical Specs

  • Accuracy: ±0.1 pH, ±0.5˚C.
  • Range: 0 to 14.0 pH.
  • 0 to 50˚C ATC.
  • 1-3 point Auto Calibration with auto buffer recognition.
  • up to 2000 hours of operation powered by AAA batteries.
  • Smart Self-Diagnosis.
I have that exact same meter and its still doing me wonderfully a year in. You can buy the 10.01pH solution to go along with the 4 and 7 that comes in the case and do a 3 point calibration if you're like me and wanna be super anal about your pH!
Lookin good in the grow room.


[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] has almost made it to 2 ft high, and going nicely. Notice the 1% up tick in humidity on the back wall. I filled the fogger up, and it went up 1% between pics. About a minute.