Indoor GG's Giant Greens

We all do it lol I have a lemon kush that got some leaf damage due to ph also. Thats the good thing about cannabis, it can take a hiccup or 2. Looking forward to the pics though, this reminds me that I have to update my own journal lol
That is just Sick amounts of awesome. I'm totaly looking forward to this.

Thanks man i appreciate that, its something to see that is for sure. The way that it comes in and then one night things start to darken up.

I have been reticent to post pics this weekend. I fried a couple leaves. :nono: pH spiked when I added some nutes with calmag+ in it. I did so because the poor babies need calcium for strong cells! but it reacted with the rez and pH spiked. Fried the two less developed ones.

They LIVED though. I got green second leaves, and third leaves are popping.

I'll post the evidence later. Thank the Gadz they lived. Set back a week, but alive. I also am having temperature issues with the new 600 watt light, the AC is running all day, so I'm gonna have to vent the lights this weekend.

The main thing is they made it through the trauma. You are dealing with a new setup on top of new plants that you havent grown before. Got a lot going on with all of that. Makes for a good test for the lines recovery as well as hardiness. Im sure that they will turn around just fine.

Looking forward to the pics.
Thanks man i appreciate that, its something to see that is for sure. The way that it comes in and then one night things start to darken up.

The main thing is they made it through the trauma. You are dealing with a new setup on top of new plants that you havent grown before. Got a lot going on with all of that. Makes for a good test for the lines recovery as well as hardiness. Im sure that they will turn around just fine.

Looking forward to the pics.

YeS Si'Ree they did. I got the lights hooked to the exhaust and all 4 are healthy now. She doesn't seem to mind 80-84 degrees. They didn't wilt from that, it was just a pH spike. Roots are popping into the rez now too.
that light is kinda hard to deal with. I need a daylight room light to flash assist. Good thing I have a full set of photo lights. I will set that coolness up next round. There is just enough room to hang a softbox I think. It would be interesting to see how my phone does instead my Pentax. Anyhow, the lights are gonna move closer to the plants now too, maybe 18-20 inches instead of 28-30. They look like they found their footing this morning.


checklist so I don't forget.

1. clean and install 50 gallon drum/float valve.
2. adjust light height
3. camera lighting

I guess I'll pump the nutes down to the pump level into the drum, add water etc. mix it properly, and let it self fill with the float valve. She will be ready for that by mid week I'd say.
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these are a bit better. My phone has a better white balance, and a better focus under high intensity than my SLR. Who woulda guessed?

1. IMG_20171106_072243.jpg

2. IMG_20171106_072239.jpg

3. IMG_20171106_072234.jpg

4. IMG_20171106_072228.jpg


This camera angle is the future home of a time lapse.
Looking good in there, they should recover just fine hearty little bastards I promise you. Should be interesting to see them take off now since they have their footing.

Even though these are in hydro I know they have a bigger demand for nutes, however most of mine are grown on the lighter side of feeding. To make them a little easier to grow with if you will. Should be plenty of room in there for a giant spear.
The two that got hit harder are still slow to burst up. The other two are doing ok. I see a bit of N hunger, so I'm gonna boost the PPM up to grow strength of about 600.

This time mixing it in a barrel and pH overnight before hitting up the grow tank. This has been the main problem I've had all throughout with my setup. I finished the drum yesterday, it's just a rain barrel but i fixed her up with brass fittings and such. I got a second pump to transfer from drum to rez or back. Will figure out a float valve for auto fill next.

I have never really bothered with precise measuring for nutes, I just kind of wing it. I think with a large volume though, it's time to start crunching numbers and doing it proper.



1. 1.1.jpg 1.2.jpg

2.2.1.jpg 2.2.jpg

3.3.1.jpg 3.2.jpg

4.4.1.jpg 4.2.jpg