Indoor GG's Giant Greens

No problem at all. This fascinates me as well. I am currently on 20/4. I just switched lamps around yesterday. So there are two cool tubes, one 600 and one 250. I turned the 600 down to 400, and both are running MH. I will switch to HPS whenever they are ready for red. I may or may not toss in the blurples, it depends on how large they get and coverage.

It didn't occur to me that the light the parental lines grew under would make a change in response. That is an interesting line of thought.

I have so far been between 63 and 75F, and 35-45 RH on the min/max monitor. There is a space heater, AC unit, and dehumidifier in the room. We had three freezing nights this week, and the temp is holding like a champ. I expect having two MH lights should even prevent the heater from kicking in much. If it gets too hot, I will hook them up to the exhaust, but for now they are open tubes.

I have one Apollo and one Vivosun tube. So far it's a total mixed bag on which is better. The Vivosun has hinges and permanently affixed wings while the Apollo has bolt on wings. The hanging hooks on the Apollo are way smaller, so only can use small hooks with it. The tube end casting is better on the Apollo.Both are functional and sturdy sockets, and ample electrical cable. My first tube had a floppy socket bracket.

build quality goes to Apollo
convenience features to Vivosun.
I'm not 100 % certain that the light that they were bred under has much to do with response of future generations. I figured I'd throw it out there since you mentioned a difference in what you saw. So far from what I have grown under led panels I see a lot of them focus on the red spec. There's isn't much blue spec dropped out by them. Even the panels with veg and bloom switches don't see high numbers of the blue spec diodes. Then there are the ones that run all diodes at all times. Maybe this is a flaw in the blurple side. COBS are a whole new story and I'm not too sure on their blue side, but I know they blend better.

I wonder if panels were more of a 45/55 split wed see better results in veg, I also believe that is why we see that panels that offer switching need to be closer during the veg period or you'll see heavy stretching.

Seems that your environment is set up for a home run so it should be interesting to see end result. The last bud spears what I saw get massive we're under a 1000 hps and they straight stomped out the ones I had in twin lights. Food for thought...
Whats the liniage of your line man? I tried looking back but didnt find it.
Whats the liniage of your line man? I tried looking back but didnt find it.
Most of what I work is listed in the indie breeder section under Mandalorian Genetics. You'll have back stories of ALF, WJ, ROXI, and a few others.

This specific lines roots are DragonxBubba Kush. The paternal line was worked 3 generations beyond I got them at. Once selection was made I introduced to a bubba kush.
Most of what I work is listed in the indie breeder section under Mandalorian Genetics. You'll have back stories of ALF, WJ, ROXI, and a few others.

This specific lines roots are DragonxBubba Kush. The paternal line was worked 3 generations beyond I got them at. Once selection was made I introduced to a bubba kush.

At what stage do you expect to see black color? Do I need to drop temperature at some point to achieve the beautiful blacks you have in your pics?
At what stage do you expect to see black color? Do I need to drop temperature at some point to achieve the beautiful blacks you have in your pics?

So the color is genetic. All of the ones that I post pics of come right out of a room that has its temps balanced. My goal was to bring out the color and a few other things so they would show the same way I see them. So no need to drop temps to lock out P. Which is what causes the color shifts due to temp.

Now the color on set is two different ways.....
Buds : they color first, you'll see preflowers come on the plant. Might get a peek here but not most times. Once she actually starts to stack the caylex's is when you may see color develop. Look at the young clusters at their bases and if she's going to color up that's where you'll see it. As she progresses they'll darken up.

Example of early color coming into buds

Leaf: this happens as flower progresses, once she's out of that I'm stretching phase and is well in the flowering phase her leaf will shift on you. Most start top down for me. Some have come in on the larger fans first and progress inward.

Example of leaf shift outer fans

Example of leaf shift too down.
Awesome man, ive been working on a cross with wonder woman for some time now. Crossed her with some PNW genes to an f2 then derailed the project. I'm planning to get back on board soon, id like to pheno hunt my f2s for a solid mother and a sturdy male. Ill head over to the indie section to join in on the discussion.
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So the color is genetic. All of the ones that I post pics of come right out of a room that has its temps balanced. My goal was to bring out the color and a few other things so they would show the same way I see them. So no need to drop temps to lock out P. Which is what causes the color shifts due to temp.

Now the color on set is two different ways.....
Buds : they color first, you'll see preflowers come on the plant. Might get a peek here but not most times. Once she actually starts to stack the caylex's is when you may see color develop. Look at the young clusters at their bases and if she's going to color up that's where you'll see it. As she progresses they'll darken up.

Example of early color coming into buds

Leaf: this happens as flower progresses, once she's out of that I'm stretching phase and is well in the flowering phase her leaf will shift on you. Most start top down for me. Some have come in on the larger fans first and progress inward.

Example of leaf shift outer fans

Example of leaf shift too down.

That is just Sick amounts of awesome. I'm totaly looking forward to this.
I'm growing a pyramid auto purple right now that has the purple genetics in the buds, its beautiful man. You can never go wrong with a good purple strain. I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out also
I have been reticent to post pics this weekend. I fried a couple leaves. :nono: pH spiked when I added some nutes with calmag+ in it. I did so because the poor babies need calcium for strong cells! but it reacted with the rez and pH spiked. Fried the two less developed ones.

They LIVED though. I got green second leaves, and third leaves are popping.

I'll post the evidence later. Thank the Gadz they lived. Set back a week, but alive. I also am having temperature issues with the new 600 watt light, the AC is running all day, so I'm gonna have to vent the lights this weekend.