New Grower First Grow! Closet AutoCOB/CFL

Looking great dude, kinda weird about the little pistils turning brown...could be stress, is the light too close? Do they get hit with some light under there directly maybe?

They do the from the sides especially since it's slanted and there's a side light coming in. I've heard CFLs can be very close without too much danger, but I'll move up my autocob a bit.
Doing some reading and I think I've figured it out pretty sure they got slightly nute burned from foliar feeding. Remembering back to Tuesday I sprayed em twice with seaweed (not sure why I did that).... but I'm pretty sure it'll bounce back. Also I finally have a ruler lol so no more eyeballing the height of the lights too hahah keeping them about 24 inches away.
Doing some reading and I think I've figured it out pretty sure they got slightly nute burned from foliar feeding. Remembering back to Tuesday I sprayed em twice with seaweed (not sure why I did that).... but I'm pretty sure it'll bounce back. Also I finally have a ruler lol so no more eyeballing the height of the lights too hahah keeping them about 24 inches away.
What height were they set at? Are you doing 24/0 light schedule? If so you may want to give them a little break so they stretch a bit.
They were around 20 inches before I moved it up and right now they're on a 19/5 schedule. Seen some journals of Canuk's Cheese and she explodes in growth late in life so I'm not too worried about her height yet. She's got way more leaves than SK but SK is almost double the height with lots of bud sites forming already. I think they're going to finish at different times
Day 24

Here's today's update! Growth is looking good on both plants, been making 500mls of feed and split it between them, watering daily. Just added one extra ingredient to the list: one drop of this product called Microbe Lift, containing BTI in liquid form


Going to use it every other watering. I'm sure that'll take care of my gnat problem! Now onto the girls


Staying short and chunky!




Stress Killer:

So much taller than her sister, even with the angled main stem! Will be doing some major bending very very soon





Group Shot


Happy growing folks
Day 28

Missed a couple of days, here's where the plants are at now


Still kinda small, can't wait for it to explode



Stress Killer:

Was getting pretty tall so I did some LST




Here's how she looks now




Group shot! I bought a 1 gallon pot and planted a new seed today! It's a royal dwarf by Royal Queen Seeds. I was gonna plant it outside but I said screw it and decided to keep it here indoors inside a controlled environment. Lightly scratched it with a nail file, soaked it in water with seaweed extract for 20 minutes and threw her in the dirt.


Happy growing folks
Day 32

Update time!


Decided to bend her over a day ago. Looking like a proper bush now



Stress Killer:

Budsites coming along nicely no frost yet


Can see light burn from foliar feeding on a leaf to the left. Be careful when spraying!


Royal Dwarf:

She popped yesterday last night so today is day one for her! Came out of the ground really fast I think I'll be starting off like that always now (Lightly filed, soaked for 20 mins in seaweed solution, then planted)


Group shot:

Got another AutoCOB in the mail so now we're rocking with 190w of light!


Happy growing folks