New Grower First Grow! Closet AutoCOB/CFL

I'll remove the tie tonight during lights on and see how she's hanging
Might be a good idea. I'll give you props for trying some lst, tbh I don't think those plants are prime canditates...not all are. The pic I showed you...that plant was stretchy and benefited from bending. When they are stout, like yours...and we all get em like may be better to let them go a bit. Maybe raise the light for some stretch. Plus, they look a bit fussy, which would make me hold off any more stress. Speaking of which, have you done anything about the fungus gnats? Are they still showing up? This could easily be the reasoning in the fussy look. The gnat lays eggs in the medium. The larvae feed off fungus and roots! We need to protect roots at all cost.
Thanks guys, it's nice have your support. I'm getting some things in the mail for those gnats tomorrow. Hope I can keep that problem under control.

Right on and you probably already know this but one quick way to stop them is a good layer of DE (food grade) top of soil, could also throw some mosquito bits into the top of next watering as that will help kill eggs and larva that is deep down. Of course keep the traps up as well. I did a lot of stuff to stop the gnats I had on my first grow but it still fudged them up bad. Who knows how long they were chomping away under the soil!

Best of luck I know you'll do fine!
Right on and you probably already know this but one quick way to stop them is a good layer of DE (food grade) top of soil, could also throw some mosquito bits into the top of next watering as that will help kill eggs and larva that is deep down. Of course keep the traps up as well. I did a lot of stuff to stop the gnats I had on my first grow but it still fudged them up bad. Who knows how long they were chomping away under the soil!

Best of luck I know you'll do fine!
What's your experience with DE as a top dress do you have to keep re-applying it after watering or does it stay there? Thinking of mixing sand and DE together and top dressing with that
You have to re-apply it after watering. Sand works well too but problem with sand is it'll just kinda sink eventually into the soil, move around as it dries opening up gaps. IDK just my dumb opinion, or you'll want to move it eventually to get to the soil better... get's messy, etc. DE will naturally just degrade or w.e. with waterings. But yeah you need to reapply if after you water over it to keep a nice sealed layer.
Oh and some people here including Ripper swear by 3% h202 + water mixed together to kill gnat larva and eggs... 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts water. Good for roots too as it oxidizes them, won't hurt your plants at all.
I use food grade DE. Sprinkle generously on top of dry soil. Reapply every time top dries. Shred em up. I've read you can put a potato wedge in the soil and larvae will attract to it. Might be a good idea while you wait. Next day, pull it out, bag it tight, drive it 2 county's over, light a bonfire and drop the bag in.

I may have gone overboard. You get the point.

Edit: fungus gnats love overwaterers
Can't go overboard when it comes to protecting your little ones lol!:smoking:

Here's SK before going to bed, she's been removed of her shackles and has kept her bend just rockin a stylish ponytail :headbang: :dragon8:

Day 22

Good morning plants are looking great today didn't do any ponytailing last night just upped the strength of feed to 1.5mls bloom and .5mls calimagic per liter. Fed them around 250mls





Got a fancy new macro lens for my phone can just start to see preflowers on her


Stress Killer:

She's starting to smell faintly sweet




You can see her lady parts here - is it normal for the pistils to be a different color so soon?


Getting to the exciting part...