Grow Mediums Dutch Passion third times a charm !!

Update: Day 23 ...Plants have been increased to 700ppm and will stay at this level for a few days before the next increase..Ph for this feeding was set at 5.7....The differences in the plants are like night and day,one might think that the plant not fimmed would show more aggresive growth,but this is not the case,the Fimmed plant(named her Ann)is still showing explosive growth ans is now 8.5 in tall measured at the top of the fim cut and the shoots at the fim are taking off..So at this point i havent seen any drawback to a fim cut,at least not on this plant on this strain..Nancy(the smaller sister)is not far behind but she also shows less growth on the branches and the overall height..They are both making good progress tho..Thanks For Stopping By....
Welcome aboard @ChillFred ,whew its been a busy day between the cubes,the wax,the feeding and the updates..When am i ever gonna find time to go Ice Fishing(oh ill make time !!)...okay im rambling...Pleasure to meet ya,and welcome to AFN,no other place I'd rather be !!!!(cept maybe
Welcome aboard @Rebel grab a chair and enjoy the show,input always welcome...I had no choice but to come back swinging after the seed debacle ,the sprouter has been put to its intended use( on the cubes) and so far all seems to be going good,this week will see the light go up to 600 watts,so they can get a ppm increase by next weekend,if Ann shows good growth( I don't see why she wouldn't) she might get another fim to the side branches and see if I can multiply the bud sites!!! ... @ChillFred your not late at all these plants are a 70 day strain so the fun is just about to get started ,and keep hanging out with the rest of us Coconuts,we got your back !!!! Uhhg back to work 2mro
Thank you @ChillFred for the rep slap,much appreciated ,,ice fishing is great ,ice catching is better,lol..anytime away from work is awesome !!!...Thanks @Rebel , ya know,I guess I never really have thought about it, I did my very first batch that way bout 2 yrs ago ,once I started paying for seeds and studying/reading forums,this method improved the odds I guess?? Thanks for the positive vibes on the fim, it'll be a cool experiment,I guess I should try the same thing on the wappas ,they look a bit more scrawny ,what the heck, I'll fim one and document it ...Peace out brothers !!!!
Hi Everybody !!...Update: Day 25..Okay the Fimmed plant(Ann) is now at 11.5 inches which is indicating that the fim did not slow her down at all,she is growing about an inch per day..Nancy is also growing at the same rate but is a little shorter,without the fim she looks a little bushier too,the branch growth is way behind Anns'...Getting interesting yet?? ....Plant have been 'upped to 600 watts MH and are at 700ppm now,this feed was set to 5.8 PH, the plants are starting to drink more as well,,There is still lots of time and i think these are gonna be a handfull to control ,just my thought tho

Ann to the right,Ive started "tucking" the bigger fans to allow light to the branch tops

Ann is not shy and is strutting her stuff...go girl !!

Nancy,still looking good !!

A side by side comparison !!

Thanks for stopping by !!!
Soooo,I didn't get an update in for a couple days now,but I did want to keep everybody informed of my intentions!!! I will be doing another fim to all the secondary branches and see it this makes it "bush out " or if it stunts it ..I feel that the wives tales have to be tested now and then,and I also feel that if this is to be tried ,the strongest fastest growing plant should be used as it is prolly genetically a stronger pheno anyway ,I will use pictures to document the process since it will be done to 8 of the branches...stay tuned,Thanks for stopping by !!