Grow Mediums Dutch Passion third times a charm !!

Thanks @JAYAR ,I don't mind at all,don't forget the popcorn...I think( hope) that by switching from 5 gallon pots ,down to 2 gallon pots I should be able to have them finish a little earlier and be more manageable thru the grow,my lights were maxed out on height on the last AU grow.since switching to coco,I've never looked back at soil,it's an awesome media in its own right,but I like coco growing for the almost immediate feedback....btw pleasure to meet you too !!!
:pop: Got it with xtra cannabutter. You might be in for a surprise I know plants can get just as massive in 2 gal pots vs 5 gal. Really it depends on feed frequency so keep that in mind if you want to manage height. Also, LST all day every day to keep them short. AU's are naturally big b****s too they'll give you a proper challenge! Gonna be a fun ride cant wait to see them in full bloom.
Gotta love the Cannabutter !!!! That makes sense about the feed and growth.i was giving nutes at every feeding,lst and fimming will start pretty soon.We will see how things work out ...AU's are a beautiful plant in bloom and when the buds take off they are unbelievable ...Cheers !!!
Update: Day 19...The twins are looking and growing good...PPM has been increased to 600 and they had a full watering today to moisten the coco and introduce more of the ORCA to the outer areas that have not been getting watered regularly.....NOTE: I did choose the bigger twin to start training on,she had a few lower leafs and a couple shoots taken off and she was fimmed up top,this might slow her down a bit or shock her but i have a pretty good feeling that this will allow the energy to go to the branches,after she grows through the fim the tops might be more even.I will continue to HST this plant and will LST her sister,,More Action on the way,stay tuned !!!! (the sister is not pictured)

Before the Haircut......................

After the Haircut..............................................Cheers Everybody !!!!
Thank you @Roark for the :slap:...much appreciated,,I'm gonna give this plant a 50 shades of gray treatment and see if I can break her!!! Jus kidding,oooohhhmmm love the plant,love the plant....:zen:
Update: Day 19...The twins are looking and growing good...PPM has been increased to 600 and they had a full watering today to moisten the coco and introduce more of the ORCA to the outer areas that have not been getting watered regularly.....NOTE: I did choose the bigger twin to start training on,she had a few lower leafs and a couple shoots taken off and she was fimmed up top,this might slow her down a bit or shock her but i have a pretty good feeling that this will allow the energy to go to the branches,after she grows through the fim the tops might be more even.I will continue to HST this plant and will LST her sister,,More Action on the way,stay tuned !!!! (the sister is not pictured)View attachment 518471
Before the Haircut......................
View attachment 518472 View attachment 518473 View attachment 518474
After the Haircut..............................................Cheers Everybody !!!!
This is the types of grows I like doing personally because your getting to see the plant be trains in different was to see withch way she likes better it's just a awesome (basically what I'm doing) but keep it up bud hopefully those girls treats you well!
Thank You @OGXTrich ,stay tuned and we will see what she can do!! With photo plants I've used lst,hst,fim,top,and mainline training,with still learning autos it'll be interesting !! Cheers
Happy New Year Everybody !!!!.......Update: Day 21...I have pictured both sisters and this is where the differences are gonna start to be noticeable...The bigger sister was chosen on day 19 to get a fim treatment to see what she is cabable of,well i have good things to report...After the fim and bottom "cleanup",it did not seem to phase her one bit,and contrary,she is showing growth that her untouched sister is not, the branching is way ahead of the sister,she is bushier and still taller...Both plants are starting to show preflowers (still small,but still there),the fimmed plant is also a little ahead of the sister on the preflower,She is at 6.5" tall to the top of the Fim..,Ill let you guys and gals be the judge,but my thoughts are,,the fimmed sister may just naturally have a stronger genetic..or the fimming is putting the energy to the areas that have not been manipulated(if im not mistaken,this is the point of fimming)...I might contunue to fim one and leave the other natural for a true comparison(tell me what you think guys)...anyway here are the pics..:NOTE compare the pics of two days ago when the fim was done to today and you tell me if you see a difference..Stay tuned and we will see how things progress...Peace out !!!...okay heres the pics

This pic shows the height difference and the side branching difference,

close up of side branching growth

Plant to the left is the Fimmed plant...Both plants on same feeding,under same light
I have decided to name them The Wilson Sisters,the bigger plant of course will be Ann..I originally thought of Arnold and DeVito cause they will finish completely different,but i didnt want the mens names(might make em hermie)..