Indoor Dr. Babniks Botanical Garden - My AFN News Journal

:toke: Dr. B'- tell me what you mean by natural light... actual sunlight? If the temps are in range, that's a fine option, in fact you'll have to screen out some intensity for seedlings,... otherwise, 12/12 gives generally inferior results that I've seen,.. I'm an outdoor guy, so I've not run autos personally on this sched',...
Transplanting is fine if you do it right! Note that personally, for auto's I always plant direct-- a matter of convenience and avoiding unnecessary steps... Photo's I start in cups (sometimes 1gal pots).... As Trip said, it's all about not damaging the roots, and also the initial pot size.. many folks use beverage cups, like 24-32+ oz cups, something with some depth to it, and can be cut open easily; also, I put about 1/2" of perlite on the bottom so roots don't stick as much... I like the bigger cups, styrofoam (nice insulation too BTW), and let them stay in there for a couple weeks... when it's time, roll the sides in your palms gently to unstick roots, slice open a side and at the base part way, and it'll come out in a nice plug; just support the sides to keep it from crumbling,... roots should be sufficient to hold things together.... Beforehand, set the same size cup in your pot and fill in around it, them remove: viola'! - a perfect sized pocket to slip into- :thumbsup:
:eyebrows: oooo, Nigerian landrace-- tell me more! A true Tropical Sativa? Some of the Dragon line has Nigerian Nightmare in it,...

>> 912GS buddy, 'fess up dude, whatcha got?! :smoking:
Natural light would mean cloud, short Nordic days.
I found a small pot that proly solves the problem.

The Nigerian should be a true sativa. It is out og stock, but I have asked if they will have it again later. I will keep clone(s).
Ive read that young canna roots can sometimes have a hard time penetrating peat pots, and lightly scoring(with a knife) the side and bottom of the peat pots before planting works well.
Yep. I will make it easy for her roots.
:jawdrop: -- check that trunk out! :vibe: *grunt* ... great idea 912GS'- :d5: Given the size of the beasts you grow, I too would open them up even more,... can't risk a choke point! :biggrin:

>> Dr. B-- got it! yup, outdoors up there is out,... Interesting strain mate, have you considered Malawi Gold? Purple Paro Valley (Mandala Seeds) is another interesting one,... but be prepared for serious space and branch management! Any of the tropical landrace Sati's are going to be a long term challenge!
DIY Instatransplant pots...worked perfect, and from now on will eliminate any old school transplanting for me. I'll be working this with large beer cups this winter for controlling regular non femmed seeds. (plant in pot is an Autoultimate)
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Next outdoor season I will make all auto pots this style, except I will cut more slots and also drill tons of holes in the bottom.
Really great idea/system! [emoji106]

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:jawdrop: -- check that trunk out! :vibe: *grunt* ... great idea 912GS'- :d5: Given the size of the beasts you grow, I too would open them up even more,... can't risk a choke point! [emoji3]

>> Dr. B-- got it! yup, outdoors up there is out,... Interesting strain mate, have you considered Malawi Gold? Purple Paro Valley (Mandala Seeds) is another interesting one,... but be prepared for serious space and branch management! Any of the tropical landrace Sati's are going to be a long term challenge!
I'm not too thrilled with Mandala seeds right now. Of the 7 seeds I dropped, only ONE germinated! [emoji13] [emoji107]

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:cuss:damn, that's a real pisser mate! Small blame to you there,... what strain? Mandala is pretty anal about their policies too,.. did you see their notes on germ'ing? --insistent on direct-to-soil sowing! I'm not sure you even have any recourse with replacing them, as many companies don't even look at emails about germ' issues... :doh: Unlike here, where you can reach out directly to seed rep's or actual breeders, safely for all,...