Indoor Bubble kush, GSC and gorilla glue. Bio bizz LED

The GSC first. She stands at 9" and now we have side branches !

Then RQS bubble kush
Standing at 7"

And the fastbuds, hopefully gorilla glue.
All Showing the white stuff!!

The watering the other day was too soon, they feel a touch heavy still. No signs of overwatering though. Got a feeling it could be another week or so until I water again!

They look real green an healthy. Is there a point I will know if these are gonna be no good?

Pics out of the light are possible if you guys wanna see the beauts naked.


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Only my second experience of these major side branches... never had them in my old set up, I love just staring at a flowering ganja plant. For hours. Whilst smoking a king
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Now this is the sort of information that I have been seeking and will use! Thank you very much. There are conflicting views everywhere, but you just nailed it as an explanation. I was sceptical about soaking the pot, we live and learn. Maaan my guys had 3litres for the soak! Common sense should of told me it would take ages for that damp soil in the dark to dry, I think as I used smaller pots previously I got away with it. I am going to look into air pots. I am slowly Going through the complete journals and they seem top. Do you have any going on or complete that I could have a look at? Grow diarys I mean. It seems like you have a solid knowledge base, please stick around!

No problemo buddy :thumbsup:

There's a couple of links in my sig below, but is extremely long winded and full of me talking bollocks lol. Probably best avoided.

There's a couple in the mephisto section that are easier to digest :crying:
Hello pal, thanks for stopping in....
question: I am using bio bizz. Over the time into flowering, would there not be any build up of nutrients in the soil if I don't go for run off?

Depends mate. Generally the people I know that do the little and often watering thing don't have issues, but I personally do a bit of a flush on the day I change to flowering nutes. Although I've changed to biotabs now, I've still got two on chem nutes.

I take the plant into the bath on flowering nutes day 1 and run around 30 litres of water through a 15 litre pot. Pretty quickly. If you do have any soil issues you'll see some darkish coloured water flush out the bottom of the pot, so this flushing clears that out a bit. Some people don't do it and will tell you it's pointless/harmful etc. I think if you're only watering small amounts and not to run off, its worth doing. If the water comes out clear straight away I will run less water through the pot. I use room temp water so as not to shock the roots with cold water.

Last two litres I give it 1/4 strength feed of flowering nutes (1/4 of manufacturer dose, 1/2 my full dose) or less, and then leave for a couple of days before watering/feeding again.
They look good in the pics mate. What day are they on now?

I personally would keep them growing. I don't think they will be massive plants, but they are healthy and got decent branching coming out.

Dry them off, raise the lights more than you think for a little while, and I reckon they will be good :cheers:

PS. If you think there's too much water in there, you can always point a fan at the pots or soil surface for you as not airpots, to help dry out.
Hello pal, thanks for stopping in....
question: I am using bio bizz. Over the time into flowering, would there not be any build up of nutrients in the soil if I don't go for run off?
I grow organic and am not familiar with bio biz I don't worry about build up because I don't use chemicals and I am trying to build up my soil in a way and encourage microbial activity and stimulation of mycos
Depends mate. Generally the people I know that do the little and often watering thing don't have issues, but I personally do a bit of a flush on the day I change to flowering nutes. Although I've changed to biotabs now, I've still got two on chem nutes.

I take the plant into the bath on flowering nutes day 1 and run around 30 litres of water through a 15 litre pot. Pretty quickly. If you do have any soil issues you'll see some darkish coloured water flush out the bottom of the pot, so this flushing clears that out a bit. Some people don't do it and will tell you it's pointless/harmful etc. I think if you're only watering small amounts and not to run off, its worth doing. If the water comes out clear straight away I will run less water through the pot. I use room temp water so as not to shock the roots with cold water.

Last two litres I give it 1/4 strength feed of flowering nutes (1/4 of manufacturer dose, 1/2 my full dose) or less, and then leave for a couple of days before watering/feeding again.
little and often in is something I have read a lot and seen good results. Thinking back. On my first grow, my best. I just poured the water through real quick with real dry medium, then half ran back through, now I water with a smaller watering can and I assume that this gives the medium more of a chance to be saturated. We live and learn:pass: dude I wish I had a bath, flushing my plants is a nightmare as I have a shower only, I try to avoid that where possible. But if little and often means bigger yields I will try this. I'm guessing flushing is a lot easier in an airpot rather than in my 15l black plastic kind?
I grow organic and am not familiar with bio biz I don't worry about build up because I don't use chemicals and I am trying to build up my soil in a way and encourage microbial activity and stimulation of mycos
Cool man, organic is the way forward. I think bio bizz is but not 100%, as you can tell I am defo no expert. Have you made your own medium? Doing that and with the teas and stuff is so cool.
They look good in the pics mate. What day are they on now?

I personally would keep them growing. I don't think they will be massive plants, but they are healthy and got decent branching coming out.

Dry them off, raise the lights more than you think for a little while, and I reckon they will be good :cheers:

PS. If you think there's too much water in there, you can always point a fan at the pots or soil surface for you as not airpots, to help dry out.
I will be happy with 28g a plant, ecstatic. That tells you my grow history! The branching and stuff, is that a little down to the genetics of autos getting that much better in 12 months? I purchased. Seeds from a convention last year. Got some great ones. Sweet seeds, auto seeds. But a lot of poo. These fast buds seems to blow my old stuff out the water, even when grown In my old set up. I see some of the plants on here, stop, an just look in awe:chimp:
The First Lady Is 25 from seed 22 above ground, as is the 3rd lady.

The second lady is bubble kush. 21 days from seed and 18 above ground. This one will of had 4 days less water. I think they look ok too. I'm gonna get them out when it gets dark and have a photo shoot and hook up a 12v fan. I'm gonna have a flick through your journals and see whats good. :pass:
Yeah mate flushing is awesome in airpots. Really easy.

No more flushing for me as all my new plants are on biotabs. Water only for 10 weeks with one feed in the middle!

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