Indoor Bubble kush, GSC and gorilla glue. Bio bizz LED

Hi mate your plants are looking really healthy. Nice colour and shape :thumbsup:

I did FastBuds GSC, WCOG and Mexican Airlines on my first grow. Unfortunately the results weren't great due to early overwatering and lights way too close. Still got some bud out of it and learned many lessons. Also made some awesome bubble hash!

I obviously can't say as I'm not in your grow room, but it sounds to me like maybe you're watering quite a lot each time? I personally give a 15 day old plant somewhere around 150ml per day, generally every day. I got this from a couple of other people on here, the idea being that with a smaller amount of water the roots grow out searching for water, making the root system bigger and therefore the plant can get bigger. I think I stunted my first ones with way too much water and eventually one got root rot.

I'm not suggesting you are doing it wrong buddy, just a thought due to my own experience, so please don't think I'm criticising in any way as I'm not. Also you've got more experience than me so I hope I don't come across as patronising or anything. Again that's definitely not my intention :cheers: :vibe: :pass:

With minimal watering I find the plants start off fairly slowly as the root system expands, but then week 2 to 3 they go mental!

Do you lift the pots to feel the weight before watering? That's another good way to see what they need.

Good luck mate, I'm sure they will be awesome plants. They definitely look good to me.
And as you already found out, getting the light high enough really helps at early stages of growth. My two big screw ups on first grow: light height and watering like a cack-handed bell end :crying:
And as you already found out, getting the light high enough really helps at early stages of growth. My two big screw ups on first grow: light height and watering like a cack-handed bell end :crying:
Thanks for stopping by pal! You have just basically said what I have been thinking! This is the first time I have used big pots, I did not anticipate how long it would take to dry out after the original soak. It was around day 15 until the pot felt light. The last watering I split 2l between 3 of them. I think that may of been a little early. I have not watered them since. I do try and go by the weight of the pot, I had it nailed in my smaller pots. Do you start in the final pot?

Good advice with the lights too, My other grow with this light I was working away Monday-Friday so had them high and the plants loved it, until I had to pull them! Mad. I will get some pictures and measurements up. I know it's cannabis blasphemy, but if these are gonna be stunted and poo then I'm gonna pull them. I have had plenty of average grows. My first grow was my best, 5L pots, 2 of, and I got 70g. Downhill since.

Dude thanks again for the advice, experience counts for nothing if you don't learn, that's me.
Yeah I start in final pots mate, mostly 15 litre and a couple of 10 litre. I use air pots.

I used fabric pots first attempt, and I think that made the overwatering thing even worse. Those things take forever to dry out. Even air pots, which dry a lot quicker, take a good while to dry if they've had a reasonable soak and only a small plant onboard.

I have a watering schedule for the first 4 weeks, and then I just play it by ear. But I just checked and my last 12 plants have only had a TOTAL of 1000ml / 1 litre each over the first 18 days of life. Took me a bit of time to get my head around but it seems to work!

I don't soak the pot at all before I plant the seed either mate. Dry soil from the bag. Plant seed. Add 50ml water only. Then another 50ml on day 1 etc. Usually nothing every other day for a while.
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A couple have started drinking more sooner, but all have only had 350ml each total in the first 10 days. 35ml per day average.
Hi mate your plants are looking really healthy. Nice colour and shape :thumbsup:

I did FastBuds GSC, WCOG and Mexican Airlines on my first grow. Unfortunately the results weren't great due to early overwatering and lights way too close. Still got some bud out of it and learned many lessons. Also made some awesome bubble hash!

I obviously can't say as I'm not in your grow room, but it sounds to me like maybe you're watering quite a lot each time? I personally give a 15 day old plant somewhere around 150ml per day, generally every day. I got this from a couple of other people on here, the idea being that with a smaller amount of water the roots grow out searching for water, making the root system bigger and therefore the plant can get bigger. I think I stunted my first ones with way too much water and eventually one got root rot.

I'm not suggesting you are doing it wrong buddy, just a thought due to my own experience, so please don't think I'm criticising in any way as I'm not. Also you've got more experience than me so I hope I don't come across as patronising or anything. Again that's definitely not my intention :cheers: :vibe: :pass:

With minimal watering I find the plants start off fairly slowly as the root system expands, but then week 2 to 3 they go mental!

Do you lift the pots to feel the weight before watering? That's another good way to see what they need.

Good luck mate, I'm sure they will be awesome plants. They definitely look good to me.
I have been watering like that for years and just figured my plants liked it because I grow a lot of kush ,and afghani strains and they tend to like a dry medium an not a lot of water ,I water very lil but almost daily as they get bigger,as small plants they really don't need much water ,as they start flowering I increase the water and towards the end will water till run off .
Same here. After the first few weeks they will start to increase water needs on a daily basis really quickly, so just feel the weight of the pot every day/twice a day. I water at least twice a day, sometimes 3 times per day. I believe they would rather have 3 x 500ml than 1 x 1500ml all at once.
Yeah I start in final pots mate, mostly 15 litre and a couple of 10 litre. I use air pots.

I used fabric pots first attempt, and I think that made the overwatering thing even worse. Those things take forever to dry out. Even air pots, which dry a lot quicker, take a good while to dry if they've had a reasonable soak and only a small plant onboard.

I have a watering schedule for the first 4 weeks, and then I just play it by ear. But I just checked and my last 12 plants have only had a TOTAL of 1000ml / 1 litre each over the first 18 days of life. Took me a bit of time to get my head around but it seems to work!

I don't soak the pot at all before I plant the seed either mate. Dry soil from the bag. Plant seed. Add 50ml water only. Then another 50ml on day 1 etc. Usually nothing every other day for a while.
Now this is the sort of information that I have been seeking and will use! Thank you very much. There are conflicting views everywhere, but you just nailed it as an explanation. I was sceptical about soaking the pot, we live and learn. Maaan my guys had 3litres for the soak! Common sense should of told me it would take ages for that damp soil in the dark to dry, I think as I used smaller pots previously I got away with it. I am going to look into air pots. I am slowly Going through the complete journals and they seem top. Do you have any going on or complete that I could have a look at? Grow diarys I mean. It seems like you have a solid knowledge base, please stick around!
Same here. After the first few weeks they will start to increase water needs on a daily basis really quickly, so just feel the weight of the pot every day/twice a day. I water at least twice a day, sometimes 3 times per day. I believe they would rather have 3 x 500ml than 1 x 1500ml all at once.
This got copied to my notes.
I have been watering like that for years and just figured my plants liked it because I grow a lot of kush ,and afghani strains and they tend to like a dry medium an not a lot of water ,I water very lil but almost daily as they get bigger,as small plants they really don't need much water ,as they start flowering I increase the water and towards the end will water till run off .
Hello pal, thanks for stopping in....
question: I am using bio bizz. Over the time into flowering, would there not be any build up of nutrients in the soil if I don't go for run off?