Photoperiod db003 lives! photo grow 7/6/24 Nimbus Snacks and Cromagnon Man

for some reason or another it wont let me post my pictures like I usually do.


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Pics didn't load?

edit: the post with attachments didn't load for a minute.

Plants look good coming up through the net.
Hey everyone, its me, db003 back again with another update.

My plants were looking good, and it looks like my clones took root. So its time to go in to flower!

I gave my plants a little bit of water to help loosen the top layer of soil, then I gave each plant a 1/4 cup of both vegetable and flower dry nutrients to the base of the plant and mixed it with the top layer of soil by using my fingers and scratching it around till it was mixed in and gave them some more water.

These plants were in day #59 of veg today. I set my timer to 12/12 schedule to turn on at 9 p.m. and go off at 9 a.m. I did this around 10 a.m. today, so the lights will be off till 9 p.m. tonight and Tomorrow I will count it as day one of flower.


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hey everyone

I kind of messed up plants were looking nice, so I decided to add a second light because the more light the better, right? I got a light burn in a single day, and to make matters worse, California has a huge heat wave. Anyway, I took out my other light and will just leave the led since it runs cooler.

It was an easy blunder but I should have know better what a rookie move. Glad I decided to look at my plants right now. Luckily, its just on a few leaves, so its not too bad. its what I get for messing around in my garden more stoned than mount Rushmore.