Grow Mediums Barney’s Farm LSD-25 (photo) in 8.5L Autopots w/coco, TF nutrients, and AutoCobs

I knew that would get your attention. LOL it’s only a one gallon pot so is going to sit in there with a lot of spare room. I could use cardboard or something to surround the pot so the lights don’t constantly shine on the fluid. Still thinking about it, will decide when I get home tonight. I’ve been waiting for it to show sex first, but it’s keeping it secret.

haven't auto pot just released a new model with fabric pots? ...

They run a small festival each year called the auto pot summer social, think I might just have to go... remo was there last year.
haven't auto pot just released a new model with fabric pots? ...

They run a small festival each year called the auto pot summer social, think I might just have to go... remo was there last year.
Yes they have although I haven’t really kept up with it. If I ever want to run fabric pots in them I would go with whatever fits it correctly maybe a 3 or 5 gallon fabric pot. The five gallon smart pots appears to be what they are using in the XL system. I hate smart pots, the brand, because they charge so much for what you get for pennies at a greenhouse store. I use a brand call Root Pouch and have had no problems with them.
Day 40/9

Still no signs of pistils or anything else sex related. Girls are each drinking about 1” of water a day. PH in the reservoir creeps up a little on the Technaflora rez and creeps down a little on the Mega Crop rez. Not by much, maybe .2 either way. I only aerate my reservoirs once a day for about an hour each just to stir things up. I figure the airdomes do most of the water aeration anyhow, plus in the past I aerated my rez 24/7 and the pH would go out of whack. Still haven’t had time to drop Bob into a tray yet but will get to it in the next day or so, especially if it proves me wrong and turns out to be a weird pheno but a female. I imagine I am on the verge of pistils any time now.

Now time for some pictures of the ladies right before lights out. :smoking:





Happy Growing everyone! :vibes:&:karmacloud:
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Ok, so I’m all about trying to capitalize on the high co2 on my basement. I had upped the thermostat on the fan to 85f for a couple nights and the ladies seemed to like it. So last night I upped it again to 90f right after the lights came on. Within an hour of the switching it was holding steady at 90f, humidity about 45%, co2 at 2200. 12 hours later it was still holding about the same humidity and temp, co2 was down to 1500 and the ladies seem to be enjoying it.

Took a picture just before lights out and just look at Bob, sitting in the center of the tent looking all pretty, but still no positive sign of sex. An hour after lights out the humidity and temp were both at 75. Turned on the dehumidifier in the basement but it is saying the basement is only 40%. So all that humidity in the tent is from the plants transpiring.

Here they are right before lights out. No signs of heat stress and they seem to be really liking it.
Awesome looking girls. Real nice tone of green.

Did you remove all the ties/restraints from the LST? Next run I'm going to give a go at leveling off the canopy like that.
:thanks:For stopping by. I love that shade of green. Although, it could be a little darker. The two in the back, Meggie & Kaya, are still on Technaflora nutes. While Juanita and Bob (hand watered) are drinking up the Mega Crop. Next time I add more water, I’m upping the nutrients again. Would be nice if the @Greenleaf Nutrients folks started going thru some of our grows with advice/opinions.

Yes, I removed the clothespins and everything from the side branches. The tops are still wired to the pot, but so loosely it’s just holding the tops level with the rest. If they pull up hard, they can actually pull themselves loose. It was time, the side tops were starting to grow taller and I like to keep the auxins level throughout the tops. My next will be as these tops start to stretch out, I will do some minor defoliation under their skirts. Not a true lollipop as these ladies are on an accelerated time schedule and they were too small when flipped to really do any of that.

I am kind of shocked that 10 days after the flip I have not seen a single pistil or nanners, thank goodness no male parts yet. The tops all have that little twisted look they get before showing off their sex but still waiting. :smoking:
:thanks:For stopping by. I love that shade of green. Although, it could be a little darker. The two in the back, Meggie & Kaya, are still on Technaflora nutes. While Juanita and Bob (hand watered) are drinking up the Mega Crop. Next time I add more water, I’m upping the nutrients again. Would be nice if the @Greenleaf Nutrients folks started going thru some of our grows with advice/opinions.

Yes, I removed the clothespins and everything from the side branches. The tops are still wired to the pot, but so loosely it’s just holding the tops level with the rest. If they pull up hard, they can actually pull themselves loose. It was time, the side tops were starting to grow taller and I like to keep the auxins level throughout the tops. My next will be as these tops start to stretch out, I will do some minor defoliation under their skirts. Not a true lollipop as these ladies are on an accelerated time schedule and they were too small when flipped to really do any of that.

I am kind of shocked that 10 days after the flip I have not seen a single pistil or nanners, thank goodness no male parts yet. The tops all have that little twisted look they get before showing off their sex but still waiting. :smoking:

Did you top them too? Or just bondage? I'm looking to do like you're doing next grow.
Did you top them too? Or just bondage? I'm looking to do like you're doing next grow.
Same for photos as I do for autos, topped at the fifth node. If you zoom in on some of the girls tops you might be able to see the topping and twin towers. If you are going to copy my style with photo ladies, I would give them at least two more weeks of veg, to let them stretch out a little more before the flip. I have to have this one done but the first of June so I flipped them early at 30 days.

Looking really great in there @HemiSync
Same for photos as I do for autos, topped at the fifth node. If you zoom in on some of the girls tops you might be able to see the topping and twin towers. If you are going to copy my style with photo ladies, I would give them at least two more weeks of veg, to let them stretch out a little more before the flip. I have to have this one done but the first of June so I flipped them early at 30 days.


So after you finish with the bondage do you tie them down again at all like in early bloom? The reason I ask is I have been tying down once I'm in early flower and I realize I need to spread out branches to let more light in and I end up breaking some branches and have to tape them up. I think it would be better to do it earlier and I need to get my mind thinking that way but I find it hard to do it earlier for some reason. Next grow I want to do it earlier when they are more flexible.