Grow Mediums Barney’s Farm LSD-25 (photo) in 8.5L Autopots w/coco, TF nutrients, and AutoCobs

A gallon of rock hard buds will easily be over a half pound. :d5:
That should get you through another grow, it'd last me a few grows.:crying:

Guessing your liking the MegaCrop? I'm in love with it right now. It's cheap, easy, and it produces.
I don’t pack them as tight as you do my friend, but I like the thought. :smoking: I normally underestimate but I’m guessing more in the neighborhood of 5 oz. More than enough for little old me. I was just reviewing my notes and this grow had gone thru it’s paces with everything from switching nutrients and lights and me messing with the environment I’m surprised it didn’t completely hermy. I will gladly take whatever these ladies give me.

As for Mega Crop, I will be using it on my next grow from start to finish with calmag if needed and BE. Right now the SS Super Skunk mother plant I want to grow out has been vegging at 3g per gallon. She has done her duty this year with clones, now to see what she can do by herself in my space with multiple AutoCobs focused on her. :yay:
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Wow, talk about a stoner moment. I just realized I posted the weight for this grow over in my new grow journal thinking I was posting it here. Man, this stuff might be as good as I think it is. Anyhow, here is the original post.

Ok boys and girls, the buds are sitting at 62%, have been trimmed off the stems and are ready for jarring. It was as I expected one of my worse harvests to date. Proof positive that growers should not experiment midgrow. I thought it might be as bad as 4oz, but I was pleasantly pleased when the final count was 150g or 5.3oz. Hey but it is five nice ounces, all the buds are rock hard and full of trichs. Also got an ounce of sugar trim for making topicals and other goodies with.

Here is a picture of the final haul.

I took what was left of the three biggest ladies and left some leaf and fluff on each one. Then I planted them out in the garden and feed them a strong veg formula. I’m hoping they might reveg out there and by October will have some extra buds for me to harvest this fall.

Now to jar these buds up for a few months. I guess this is the end of this journal. Any comments, questions, or criticisms are still welcome. :thanks: to all that followed this journal and helped me along the way! Come join me for my new grow listed below. Should be flipping the SCROG to 12/12 this weekend. Then things should get exciting over there.