Grow Mediums Barney’s Farm LSD-25 (photo) in 8.5L Autopots w/coco, TF nutrients, and AutoCobs

Here's a little trick I discovered by accident once upon a time. Trim a small piece of calyx off one of the buds but look at the underside of it rather than the top. Not sure why it makes a difference, but when I'm having trouble seeing cloudy Vs amber sometimes that helps. Seems to show up better.... :shrug:
Otherwise, do what you gotta do! I always remind myself that amber trichromes are the result of past-peak as they start to degrade. That makes it easier for me to take them when in doubt.
But I like trippy / psychedelic more than couch lock ennyways so don't pay any attention to me :nono:

Sage advice is always welcome. These girls actually seem to be piling on the trichs from the bottom up. Another reason I hesitate is because they are still piling on! It is actually visible to the naked eye day to day. I will have a real hard look at them tonight when the lights come on.

My plan was to take all the top buds this week and let them go for another week for the lower buds. Then after removing them they are going out in the greenhouse before the summer solstice in the hopes of a reveg & bloom by this fall. Never tried it in autopots before but it should be an interesting experiment. Gotta love the weird stuff you can do to photosensitive ladies. :smoking:
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Here's a little trick I discovered by accident once upon a time. Trim a small piece of calyx off one of the buds but look at the underside of it rather than the top. Not sure why it makes a difference, but when I'm having trouble seeing cloudy Vs amber sometimes that helps. Seems to show up better.... :shrug:
Otherwise, do what you gotta do! I always remind myself that amber trichromes are the result of past-peak as they start to degrade. That makes it easier for me to take them when in doubt.
But I like trippy / psychedelic more than couch lock ennyways so don't pay any attention to me :nono:
and I love the couch. :baby:
Been looking at the girls long and hard all day today and have come to the decision that tonight is the night at least for the topmost buds to be harvested. Depending on what I find underneath I might let it go another day or two. Although, earlier I was checking out some of the lower buds and while smaller they seem to be rock solid.

I will try and post some pics as the harvest progresses.
Day 107 / 77 / 64

Ladies are trudging along and packing on the frost. The trichs are still mainly cloudy with maybe 5% amber. I’m going to push these out to at least Tuesday of next week. They are current drinking 1.25 inches of water each day. I have the MC at 3.5g per gallon, might back that off a little more tonight when I mix up a new batch of nutes.

Then considering swapping them out for a single plant in a 15 liter pot. Been watching a strain grow out at a friends place and have seen how long her branches become and have a feeling she will be perfect SCROG material.

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Happy Growing everyone! :vibes:

Your grow is impressive despite the set back @HemiSync

I have taken to auto's after my first grow of them (last round). I have four going now and had already adopted your tip of extra 3.9L pots and starting new beans 3 weeks before harvest.
I am "hands off" my auto's except for LST (spreading her arms outward) however; because of the limited height in my tent, I've had to supercrop the main stems on all three auto's grown in my tent. Frankly, the effect was amazing. Last round I jarred 25.1 ounces from 3 auto's (all supercropped well into flowering when the mainstems got to near my lights). Based on my experience with this, I decided I would supercrop the main stems on all auto's going forward. The nest of cola's on that bent stem has been consistent and heavy!!

Great growing Sir and here's to many more. :slap::slap::cools:
Your grow is impressive despite the set back @HemiSync

I have taken to auto's after my first grow of them (last round). I have four going now and had already adopted your tip of extra 3.9L pots and starting new beans 3 weeks before harvest.
I am "hands off" my auto's except for LST (spreading her arms outward) however; because of the limited height in my tent, I've had to supercrop the main stems on all three auto's grown in my tent. Frankly, the effect was amazing. Last round I jarred 25.1 ounces from 3 auto's (all supercropped well into flowering when the mainstems got to near my lights). Based on my experience with this, I decided I would supercrop the main stems on all auto's going forward. The nest of cola's on that bent stem has been consistent and heavy!!

Great growing Sir and here's to many more. :slap::slap::cools:
Geez, anytime you can average 1/2 pound per autoflower you are doing great in my books. I will be lucky to pull 1/2 pound from this entire grow. Thanks for the slap. Still trying to decide what I’m running next. I have several mothers that need grown out, so I might grab one, up pot it to a 15l autopot and throw in the tent. See if I can grow a single monster in my 3x3.
Day 115/85/72 Harvest Day

Breeder said 65 days of flower and here we are on day 72 and they are done. I still see trichs piling on but I also saw signs of hermi on the underside of some buds while I was trimming them. There were some very immature pollen sacs forming on the bottom of the buds. This showed me that these girls were just a little beyond ready no matter what the color of the trichomes. Anyhow, here are the before pictures.


Very nice Hemi!!! Turned out pretty good despite the issues early on. Have a slap on me.:slap::d5:
Thanks Roasty. The yield was reduced but what I got is rock hard buds. Should still be a couple half gallon Mason jars full at least by the time it’s dried.
A gallon of rock hard buds will easily be over a half pound. :d5:
That should get you through another grow, it'd last me a few grows.:crying:

Guessing your liking the MegaCrop? I'm in love with it right now. It's cheap, easy, and it produces.