Grow Mediums Barney’s Farm LSD-25 (photo) in 8.5L Autopots w/coco, TF nutrients, and AutoCobs

Small update, but rather big change.

Just switched one of my ladies (Juanita) over to her own reservoir with Green Leaf Mega Crop with a 230g free sample I got off their website. A most generous offer of their product I might say too. :thanks:

I’m using it at, dare I say it at their recommended doses, and we will see what it does to Juanita. She bravely volunteered for this because she was the baby of my three girls. :smokeit:The other two are on Technaflora nutes and will be my control for this experiment. Figured if it makes Juanita blow past her sisters then I will know it works pretty good.

Mixing it was almost a joke, I checked their feeding calculator and for 7.5 liters in week one flower it recommended 9.9g total added to my water. Measured it out, dropped it in the water, and mixed it up. Amazingly small amount compared to what I would have used with Technaflora. This came out to approximately 600ppm or 1.2EC after subtracting for my tap water. I use dechlorinated tap water, which has a high pH of 7.4+ and MC did not seem to affect this. Not sure how it would react to RO or distilled water but I had to pH it down with my tap to my normal 6.0ish. I’m only using Mega Crop nothing else after all, they say it’s a one part solution. In a few weeks I will know how @Greenleaf Nutrients fares in my garden.
Small update, but rather big change.

Just switched one of my ladies (Juanita) over to her own reservoir with Green Leaf Mega Crop with a 230g free sample I got off their website. A most generous offer of their product I might say too. :thanks:

I’m using it at, dare I say it at their recommended doses, and we will see what it does to Juanita. She bravely volunteered for this because she was the baby of my three girls. :smokeit:The other two are on Technaflora nutes and will be my control for this experiment. Figured if it makes Juanita blow past her sisters then I will know it works pretty good.

Mixing it was almost a joke, I checked their feeding calculator and for 7.5 liters in week one flower it recommended 9.9g total added to my water. Measured it out, dropped it in the water, and mixed it up. Amazingly small amount compared to what I would have used with Technaflora. This came out to approximately 600ppm or 1.2EC after subtracting for my tap water. I use dechlorinated tap water, which has a high pH of 7.4+ and MC did not seem to affect this. Not sure how it would react to RO or distilled water but I had to pH it down with my tap to my normal 6.0ish. I’m only using Mega Crop nothing else after all, they say it’s a one part solution. In a few weeks I will know how @Greenleaf Nutrients fares in my garden.

Surprised it did not change the PH. I thought everyone was saying it does I think PH down basically. Maybe it takes a while. Might check the PH again tomorrow?
Surprised it did not change the PH. I thought everyone was saying it does I think PH down basically. Maybe it takes a while. Might check the PH again tomorrow?
You have to remember most are using RO or distilled water with NO pH stability. I’m using my towns tap water with an EC of 0.55 and pH usually around 7.2 before I dechlorinated and remove the chloramines that they add. With all these additives my base waters pH is very stable to begin with.
You have to remember most are using RO or distilled water with NO pH stability. I’m using my towns tap water with an EC of 0.55 and pH usually around 7.2 before I dechlorinated and remove the chloramines that they add. With all these additives my base waters pH is very stable to begin with.

I should be getting my MC yesterday so maybe that means today. Can't rely on postal in US or CA for accuracy. I have medium hard tap water much like yours. Also have bottled RO water from the same source as my tap so the PH is about the same just less PPM/EC. With Advanced Nutes PH Perfect I didn't have to PH anything after. I was mixing tap and RO 50/50. Worked great. Hoping for something similar with MC.
I should be getting my MC yesterday so maybe that means today. Can't rely on postal in US or CA for accuracy. I have medium hard tap water much like yours. Also have bottled RO water from the same source as my tap so the PH is about the same just less PPM/EC. With Advanced Nutes PH Perfect I didn't have to PH anything after. I was mixing tap and RO 50/50. Worked great. Hoping for something similar with MC.
I previously always used rainwater and/or distilled water all the time because my well water is really hard, but because I was growing hydro I was always chasing pH and cal/mag issues. We got the towns water out here a couple,years ago and when I gave it a try on some of my house plants they all liked it so I tried it on the ladies and I was hooked. Now I keep a couple five gallon water bottles full with a chloramine remover and air bubblers to evaporate off the chlorine.

I was a little shocked to see just how little you use for 2 gallons at this stage, but I am using it a their dosing rates and it still came up to 600 ppm.
Day 37/6

Just a quick update today, yea right, when are my updates quick?:rofl: Let’s say fewest pictures in a while.

The ladies are still doing well tops are still tied down and the nodes I exposed are pushing upwards. Meggie and Kaya seemed to have survived the increase in nutrients (750ppm) but it will be another day before I know if I got that deficiency nipped in the bud. This is one of the reasons I need to find one strain I really like and grow till I know it so well I can anticipate it’s needs.

Juanita is officially drinking Mega Crop nutrients (600ppm) as her reservoir has dropped since I set it up. Will be a day or two before it mixes completely into the tray and coco. Hopefully once @Greenleaf Nutrients gets caught up here they can drop by and take a look. If this works out well for me I have a couple friends that this will be a blessing for them as they are both dumb as rocks and couldn’t mix nutes correctly to save their plants. Now give them a scale and a bag of little powder balls they can handle that. :crying:

Now Bob, is probably going to show sex and prove it’s Bobbie any day now. So with the ease of mixing up some Mega Crop I used the calculator for one liter 1.3g and mixed it up. Watered Bob with my sprayer till run off which took the whole liter

Side note I forgot to mention about the Mega Crop, it seems to mix completely into water. I see no trace of solids after mixing. Great news for my sprayer and reservoirs. :thumbsup:

Happy growing everyone! :vibes::karmacloud:
Day 37/6

Just a quick update today, yea right, when are my updates quick?:rofl: Let’s say fewest pictures in a while.

The ladies are still doing well tops are still tied down and the nodes I exposed are pushing upwards. Meggie and Kaya seemed to have survived the increase in nutrients (750ppm) but it will be another day before I know if I got that deficiency nipped in the bud. This is one of the reasons I need to find one strain I really like and grow till I know it so well I can anticipate it’s needs.

Juanita is officially drinking Mega Crop nutrients (600ppm) as her reservoir has dropped since I set it up. Will be a day or two before it mixes completely into the tray and coco. Hopefully once @Greenleaf Nutrients gets caught up here they can drop by and take a look. If this works out well for me I have a couple friends that this will be a blessing for them as they are both dumb as rocks and couldn’t mix nutes correctly to save their plants. Now give them a scale and a bag of little powder balls they can handle that. :crying:

Now Bob, is probably going to show sex and prove it’s Bobbie any day now. So with the ease of mixing up some Mega Crop I used the calculator for one liter 1.3g and mixed it up. Watered Bob with my sprayer till run off which took the whole liter

Side note I forgot to mention about the Mega Crop, it seems to mix completely into water. I see no trace of solids after mixing. Great news for my sprayer and reservoirs. :thumbsup:
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Happy growing everyone! :vibes::karmacloud:

go team bob...

Hey now ---- fabric pot in autopot----"PUT ME IN COACH":clapper:
I knew that would get your attention. LOL it’s only a one gallon pot so is going to sit in there with a lot of spare room. I could use cardboard or something to surround the pot so the lights don’t constantly shine on the fluid. Still thinking about it, will decide when I get home tonight. I’ve been waiting for it to show sex first, but it’s keeping it secret.